Man down...~K2 (South Park.)

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I saw a story about the life of Alexander Hamilton and though I doubt the truthfulness, i fucking loved it. So erm this is inspired by it.
Warnings: Cursing and killing. War shit.
Ages: 20.
Kenny's POV.

"Redcoats in sight!" Craig yells.

"Fuck," I say.

I put the last on the ground and then jump on the ship, grabbing Kyle by the hand to bring with me.

"Thanks, honey," he says.

I smile.


The few shots shot hit a few people.

"Fuck," Stan hisses.

He gets down, holding his shoulder.

"Let me!" Craig says.

He starts looking at it.

"Man down! I repeat, man down!" Token yells.

"LEO!" I scream.

"Is this where I die then?" Leo asks, voice barely above a whisper.

"No! You don't! You'll get through this!" Kyle says.

Leo doesn't say anything but his eyes don't blink either.

"Ships been hit, sir!" Tweek yells.

"Get out!" Clyde screeches.

"What are we gonna do? Swim?" Craig asks.

"Stan won't be able to!" Tweek says.

"Then leave me," Stan says.

"No fucking way we're leaving you!" Kyle says.

"We don't have much time!
Lieutenant, we need a command and we need it now!" Tweek yells.

"I'll take Stan!" Kyle yells.

"No, I can. If I die protecting him, we're not losing a life," I say.

Kyle nods and kisses me.

"Luck," He says.

"OFF THE SHIP!" Craig screams.

All of us get off the ship and start swimming while I hold onto Stan and swim in the shortest direction possible. Most of them are going with slight circles but I honestly doubt I could carry Stan through that.

"I can swim," Stan says, taking himself off me.

We start swimming next to each other at the fastest speed I've ever seen him move.

"Camp isn't far away, let's go!" Stan says.

We go twice as fast. How he is managing with that shoulder is beyond me.

"Camp I'm sight," I say.

We start slowing down a little, getting out of the water. I pull Stan behind me.

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