Yes, i will write a highschool thing 1/2~ Stylenny (South Park.)

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Warnings: Cursing... and talk about mental illness in a somewhat joking but serious way.
Ages: 17 all.
Kyle's POV.

As my feet almost drag the ground, the small stones make some of the loudest noises I've ever heard... or is it just because of how nervous this is making me? Noises tend to be louder when you are nervous about something...

"Okay. Bye mom," I say, closing the call after she, very loudly, listed all the rules she is expecting me to follow.

I step into the school. Blackwell... I don't know if that sounds racist or not. Oh shit, that's the worst impression I could give anyone here.

"Hey there!" A pretty black haired boy says, walking up to me.

Fuck, fuck, no, I don't have enough social skills to deal with this shit. It needs to be at least 10 for me to deal with this, while the stat is about a graceful minus million.

"Hello," I say.

"Name's Stan. What's yours?" He asks.

"Kyle," I say.

"Are you new here?" He asks.

"Is it that easy to tell?" I ask.

"No, not really. But nobody really talks to me here, so, it's easy to assume you're new," he says.

"How come?" I ask.

"Nosy, are we?" He asks.

"Oh if you only knew," I say.

"Lets just say, this school is not exactly immune to deeming who is worthy and who is not," he says.

"Is any school?" I ask.

"That's true. Every place has rich fucks that are nice and that try to fuck someone over," he says.

"Hey, at least you've got nice 'rich fucks', Edgy," I say.

"That is not an insult towards me, I like being 'edgy', as you call it, because it's just honesty, the best policy," Stan says.

"Or at least you have edgy opinions," I say.

"Or I'm just the one voicing what everyone thinks," he says.

"Yeah, that works too," I say.

Stan smiles behind me and waves. I turn around to see maybe one of the prettiest guys I've ever seen.

"Hi Stan. Whose he?" The guy asks.

He takes a look at me before his eyes widen.

"I'm Kyle," I say.

His face says 'Oh shit', purely, 100% 'shit' written on his face.

"Name's Kenny, just so you know which one to scream tonight," he says, winking.

He goes into a more confident way to act.

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