Listening~ Stylenny (South Park.)

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Yes, this is an AU which I find sort of creepy but still. I thought I'd make it through and not trash this idea.
Warnings: I don't know. Cursing, most of all. But some really creepy paranormal shit as well.
Ages: 17 all.
Kyle's POV.

'From a very young age, I was fascinated by voices and hearing them, listening to them most of all. I had a lot of CD's, Podcasts, hell, radios. Hearing a voice, no matter what kind was always really important to me.

We can say that I knew a bit more about the adult world than the rest, I was always a bit more mature and because I learned stuff from records, I never failed a test, the other side of it. But I didn't need to hear words from the teachers either... I heard voices.

But afterwards. When I was maybe 13, I started to hear people talking without them moving their lips. Hear, very clearly... with their voice. As if they were reading a script but they never moved the lips. You know, a bad anime dub kind of way.

It started of as something I thought of as insanity. Especially... when I started hearing a voice when nobody was near by, when I was alone.

I've gotten used to that voice by now and can make it shut up but I don't think it knows that I know about it... it speaks off me like I am simply a story, something that doesn't exist.

When I was 14, I made the mistake of turning away from my mother while we were talking, I answered a question she never asked. I could hear her, freaking out, so I told her I'd be in my room.

The only thing to drown those 'voices' out, for a long while, was music. I would listen to it to the amount that I could answer about anything about it. I would listen to Bach or modern artists, just keep their silent words away from.

That is what I chose to call them, silent words. No, they were not silent. They never were. Always talking and talking and talking.

I became really quiet around the time the voices became a thing, scared to let anything slip, scared to tell someone that I was hearing things I shouldn't have been hearing.

I told about it to my best friend, Stan, when I was 15, just barely. He did not believe me. So, I decided to tell him everything I heard. He freaked out, properly. The voice reading his silent words was going over his 'real' voice. It was absolutely terrifying.

I screamed and cried, telling him to stop. He immediately did... but he didn't talk to me the same way in such a long while.

He avoided me, scared that I could hear everything. My other friend, Kenny, and I became really close and then I told him. He told me that he knew this wasn't the only universe he lived in.

Obviously, i heard words nobody said. Of course it was possible, so, I decided to believe him. Sure, according to him, I wouldn't remember that in any other universe so far.. but he said he asked me the same question in every universe.

Something about his voice was beautiful to me, which, for anyone else, would sound like a simple remark but remember here that I was obsessed with voices. His voice was special and I had to figure out, why.

Any excuse I could get, I would listen. I kept listening. I learned some things I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have but it can't really be called Stalking... I couldn't drown the 'silent words' out yet.

What I did when I found out Stan's voice was as fascinating I would call obsession... but it was harder than I can ever explain.

His voice was so beautiful... honestly. If you think something is beautiful, do you not do anything?

I never did anything wrong. Mainly the infinite slowness and getting myself close enough to hear was all I did... and I would never call it weird. Don't people do that? When they think someone is attractive or something? I never really grew up like that.

I was almost 16 when Stan started to be close to me again. Me, Kenny and him...

...the two of them were having a rivalry of sorts. I didn't mind, teenagers had rivalries. The thing was, this was because of me.

They didn't hate each other at all. Quite the opposite. But they were fairly loudly with their 'Silent words' that Stan thought that since we had been such good friends he... well... I forgot to mention something.

I, after 13, wasn't listening to anything and I almost forgot about what things were normal and which weren't. I seriously forgot anything... because I walked everywhere with music blasting in my ears.

Anyway, he thought that if he were to confess to me, he would be more likely to have me liking him back. Honestly, I didn't pay attention to what they were saying with their 'Silent words', I was listening but the words slipped past, I listened to the voice.

Kenny, on the other had, thought that he was there through an important time in my life.

And when they both told me how they felt, I, very awkwardly, said that I liked them both and that they must have liked each other as well...

...and I knew, of course I knew.

These 'silent voices' are thoughts. I hear thoughts.

And just months ago, I learned to quiet them down. Of course when we are in a silent place, I listen... silence makes me panic, I need anything when that happens.

Right now, I'm seventeen and I could not be happier with where I am.

Why am I writing this? Because I don't know if I'm the only one. I'm going to change names and publish this as a short book... to give someone hope that they are not alone, if they know what I'm writing about.'

I drop the pen and look at Stan, who was reading it over my shoulder.

"I like it," he says.

I kiss him.

"Do I not get a kiss for waiting for you?" Kenny asks.

I kiss him as well.

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