I... i fucked it up~K2 (South Park.)

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It's like midnight (little over one am.), I just got back from my K2 haul of the day, let me do this.
Warnings: Sort of sexual content.... maybe and cursing.
Ages: 16 both.
Kenny's POV.

"Hey.. Kyle... what is it?" He asks.

Kyle rises his head before taking a deep breath.

"I...I fucked it up," he says.

"Hey... sh. What did you fuck up?" I ask.

He laughs, broken.

"I lost Stan. I fucked up our friendship. I kissed him for fucks sake!" He says.

"Isn't... isn't he with Wendy now?" I ask.

"Do you think I remembered that? They break up more than the moon goes around Earth. He... he kissed me back and I sort of thought it was something to him. But... as soon as Wendy and him started talking... he hasn't even looked at me. Why did I do it, Ken? Why am I so fucking stupid?" He asks.

"You are not stupid! Look, Stan just... is. He's a nice guy, you know he is... he just doesn't handle his emotions," I say.

Kyle take a deep breath in.

"Why am I even crying over this? I should be happy... for them both," Kyle says.

"You shouldn't think like that, at all. You're awesome and awesome people cry when then they know they are hurt," I say.

Kyle looks down at his hands.

"I just-all of my life, I've been in love with him and when I get the courage to do something, he doesn't even deny me, rather makes me feel like shit," he says.

I sigh.

"Trust me, that's familiar. But look... Stan doesn't mean to hurt you. Remember? He told you he would kill anyone who gave you too much shit! Hell, he defended you from Cartman when you were so ill you could not do anything," I say.

"But you were there as well," Kyle says.

"I'm not trying to redeem myself here, I'm trying to redeem Stan," I say.

He takes a breath in again.

"I've never actually thanked you for being here for me... thank you. I'm insufferable at time, I know that. But you've been by me since I was young and I keep thanking Stan but I forgot you," Kyle says.

I kiss him. It's the wrong time, I know it is. I just... couldn't help it.

"I-," Kyle says.

"You don't have to say you like me," I say.

I'm pretty unlikable after all...

"But I do," he says.

"Don't lie," I say.

"I'm not lying. Try me, I'm not lying at all," he says.

"How the hell would you while being so heartbroken over Stan?" I ask.

He laughs.

"I'm complicated. I can love more than one or two or even 10 people at ones. It's funny really, people are so obsessed with the idea of a soul mate but we can fall in love more than ones. We fall in and out of love because we are living people, living creatures," Kyle says.

"If soulmates did exist, you'd be mine. You're talkative for a start," I say.

He laughs, smiling at me.

"I like that idea. But if a soulmate did exist, there'd be multiple," Kyle says.

I nod.

"And the idea of loving one person was always so stupid to be. Who the hell decided to do relationships dirty and make them two people? Why can't it be 3, 4, 5, 27? Who gives a fuck about the person you love, you can have a fun time while being polyamorous. It's totally fine. I don't seriously understand the idea of a relationship. But hey, That's just good old me. Quite a lot of people on Earth think 1 on 1 relationships are the only way. And good for them I guess... I don't know shit about those views. Personally I find the whole thing stupid," Kyle says.

I smile at him.

"Like. What's the idea? Who in their right mind invented relationships the way they are," he says.

"I take it you don't want a relationship with me?" I ask.

"It's just a status. I don't think it's that important. But if you think it's an important thing, for sure, it's fine with me," Kyle says.

I don't know if I should but I think Kyle is fucking adorable. He gets way too into the things he is passionate about and he forgets the world around him when he gets into something. I don't know why there is something so adorable to be in that fact.

"Earth calling Spaceman Kenny?" Kyle asks.

He takes me into a hug.

"Hugs for days," he says.

I laugh, taking him into a kiss.

"Don't be too sad about Stan. He was just really lost and didn't think. He'll apologise to you, I swear he will," I say.

He kisses me again, getting closer to me. Until his phone rings. He puts it on speaker.

"Hey Kyle," Stan's voice says.

"What is it, Captain Asshole?" I ask.

"I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm Pan. I just, personally, didn't think of you as someone I could romantically get involved with and I was stupid. I should have told you, straight up. Can you forgive me?" Stan asks.

"Of course. Don't worry, I'm over all of it now. I got myself a romantic partner, so, I ain't too heartbroken over your ass," I say.

Stan laughs.

"Tell him I said hi! And give him my number, I have to make sure my pretty-much-brother is getting the best of the best," Stan says.

Kyle ends the call. I sigh.

"Are you happy?" I ask.

He nods, smiling.

"Thanks for asking," he says.

I laugh, kissing his forehead. He takes me in for a kiss on the lips.

"Hey. Wanna fuck?" I ask.

Kyle laughs, taking my hands in his. Oh damn, he has warm hands. I never realised that... so weird. I thought they'd be pretty cold.

"Yeah, sure," Kyle says.

I kiss him again.

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