Awkward~Crenny (South park)

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I'm aware this is a fairly popular ship. A very popular one even. But compared to ships like Style or Creek, it's nothing really big.
Warnings: I'm sorry, this is very unintentionally terrible. Sexual content, smoking and our favourite, cursing.
Age: 17 both.
Fact: This fucker took forever to write, mainly because I learned way more sentences in way more different languages but didn't want to fit them in so we're stuck with shitty French, even shittier Spanish, okay Swedish and near perfected Finnish.
Craig's POV.

"Hi," Kenny says, sitting on the dumpster.

"Hey," I say.

"You coming to smoke again?" Kenny asks.

"Yeah," I say.

He nods. I take one and light it up, inhaling some before letting it out. Finally, my hands stop shaking.

"Want one?" I ask.

"A cancer stick?" Kenny asks.

I nod, giving him one.

"Are you not afraid of cancer?" Kenny asks.

I roll my eyes.

"No. If cancer is gonna take me then at least let it take me early," I say.

Kenny takes my lighter and lights the end of the cigarette.

"Are you not scared of cancer?" I ask.

"If it could kill me, i'd be more than happy," Kenny says.

He falls back on the dumpster, silencing himself. Not that he talks a lot anyway but sometimes he just becomes scarily quiet, especially after basically saying he wants to die.

"So," I say.

I, yet again, inhale and exhale. Kenny sits up and exhales himself. He smirks and starts waving the cigarette around, making some kind of a shape with it. Knowing him, I'm pretty sure of what he did.

"Can I come up?" I ask.

Kenny nods, offering me a hand. I take it and climb up, sitting next to him.

"Aren't you supposed to go home to Karen? Or Kevin?" I ask.

Kenny shakes his head before inhaling and exhaling again.

"They're fine. Are you not going home?" Kenny asks.

"Couldn't give less of a fuck if my life depended on it," I say.

Kenny nods.

"Are they fighting? Your parents?" Kenny asks.

"Yeah. This month has felt like someone has lit fire all around me and slowly the flames are starting to burn me alive," I say.

"Oddly metaphorical of you. What happened?" Kenny asks.

"Well. Everything," I say.

"Like?" He asks.

"I broke up with my boyfriend, first of all," i say.

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