Fuck homophobia~Style (South Park.)

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Okay. Now this one is about homophobia. In a bit different way than normal. An AU, where people live basically 150 years in the past. No gays, no phones, women into the kitchen, no cars, monarchies are the shit, slaves in some places etc.
Warnings: Cursing and homophobia and I guess slightly sexist?
Ages: 24.
Kyle's POV.

My eyes at the water in front of me, I start thinking about all of it.

I'm a freak... I never subjected I would be one of them but i guess they happened.

"Broflovski?" A boy asks, slowly.

"I'm here," I say.

He gives me as all too familiarly written letter. I nod and he leaves. As soon as he is away, I rip it open.

'Dear Kyle Broflovski. You do know how I love you, don't you? Some day won't be like this but I'm afraid then, we're already laid underground... I can just hope with you. My wife has gone and left, hasn't taken my children. I would suspect she's underneath by now. But I have duties here and cannot find out... as sad as it is, I will have to cancel my visit. Mr. Tucker and I have too much business here. Business I cannot talk about in case this letter finds someone else before you. You truly are my closest friend, Kyle. I love you and wish I could visit soon enough. Yours truly, Stanley Marsh.'

I take the letter close to my chest. At least it's something out of his mind. If that's all I'm truly getting, I can accept it. It's not a big thing...

I take my paper and start writing.

'Dearest Stanley Marsh. Do not worry about us meeting, if it truly is your work holding you there. After all, I don't quite know what it's like to be apart of Congress as a delegate... I do miss you so but I understand that I don't even compare to what you've had and what this country is to you. Admirable, that's the word I'm looking for. I find your love for our country admirable. I'm a little bothered I can't be there but alas, not all religions can fit there and I'll gladly stay away if the North isn't ready for it yet. I do love you as well, friend, can't decide how much. Blow us all away, Kyle Broflovski.'

I get the letter ready to go and sit back down, staring down at the water. There I am, freak, ginger hair, green eyes and a complete freak. After all, I'm homosexual. Something I've, personally, grown to accept to not be alright. That's why I'm a freak. I don't get rid of it, I can't... and I was never the one to hide how i am. Maybe I should start doing so. It's just... I know I should. Being Jewish, I'm already hated enough. But be a freak as well? One has to go.

I'm kind of glad Stan has stood by me on this fact. I remember him coming here, searching war help. And as one of the heads here, I eventually agreed. Afterwards was it that we both let each other know we're freaks. It's still off with your head on their side, being a freak. We just put you in a camp until you are ready to let go of your freak ways. Still trying to make it better, hasn't cured anyone yet. Been trying it myself, I was doing so constantly before Stan came. He has mentioned the idea of dressing as a woman to be with me here but... that was before he became one of the most important members of Congress... it's still a very nice and comforting thought. He's feminine enough as it is that it would be possible. Short and a bit of a pushover, what everyone wants in a woman nowadays. Other than the girl being younger, they're pretty into that too. I mean, if it's the meaning to have them home while you do work, I guess them being pretty is absolutely amazing. So I kinda understand.

"We need a businessman to go to up North, there is suspicion we're going into war!" Our president says.

I never understood why the south and the north have different people in lead when there is the king, who literally commands them around.

"On it, sir," I say.

I'm his right hand man... Kenny McCormick has never been the ideal president for us, he was penniless when he started and refused to make death a punishment for anything other than murder. But I swear, the man is one that means well. It matters because the North has a president that does as well but the king...? Not so much.

"Thank you, Kyle," Kenny says.

I laugh and take my steps away.

"Here, we have all needed information in this letter. Now excuse me as I put up future plans," Kenny says.

First of which is 'Get your woman pregnant and start getting ready for war.'


I knock on Stan's door. He opens and drags me in.

"They're not supposed to see you here, might find out we're freaks," he says.

I kiss him.

"I had to do that before saying this. Stan, there is an enemy in the east! They are going to attack," I say, giving the letter.

Stan reads it quickly and climbs up on his roof.


The people go all around in panic, taking their women and then leaving into their houses.

"Operation 47?" I ask.

"Get your wife pregnant and go to war in a shorter way," Stan says.

I laugh.

"We have one of those as well," I say.

Shawn and Wilma, both Stan's children, walk over to us.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asks, like a baby.

He's five soon, meaning he is in the fifth army is that's anything alike here. Wilma is 7 soon, meaning about 6 years till she's married off.

"I never realised how badly I have failed as a father," Stan says.

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