Why?~Stylenny (South Park.)

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Yeah so... I fucking love babies and my love for little humans has made me write this... I apologise for not updating in FOREVER. Lot has been going on and my phone broke (still broken, it's hard to write this.)
Warnings: Cursing mostly. (This was a multiple part but I gave up on it.)
Ages: I'ma go ahead and make them 24.
Kyle's POV.

"Oh? You're up?" Kenny asks, walking up to me.

"I have not slept in three days, so, hell yeah I'm up," I say.

"Something special happening?" Kenny asks.

Stan comes in though the door, drops a bag on the counter and turns to us.

"Morning Kenny," he says.

"Change goddamnit!" I say.

"I will, I will," Stan says, rising his hands in surrender.

"Thank you," I say, relieved.

"Dude, I can jog, doesn't automatically mean I'll be in those clothes when the little ones come," Stan says.

"Wait! That's today?" Kenny asks.

"When did you think it was?! Fucking December?!" I ask.

"Yes! Fucking calendar says 'December 15th' not 'November...13th'," Kenny says, checking the calendar for the date of today.

"We fucking talked about it!" I yell.

"Clearly not enough!" Kenny says.

"Go change! The people are going to be here soon," I say.

Kenny sighs and goes in the bedroom. After a minute or two, Stan comes back, in some fucking decent clothes.

"Thank you! I was scared that I had to talk!" I say.

He laughs, biting an apple.

"Where the fuck did you pull an apple from?" I ask.

"If you say one more fuck, you owe me a dollar. I swear, it's Wednesday, dude, we just started counting over on Monday," Stan says.

"Shit. Do I really curse that much?" I ask.

"Yes, you do. You're gonna make me rich," Stan says.

The doorbell rings as I'm about to tell him something about the fact he owes me.

"Shit," I whisper.

Stan laughs and opens the door. I smile and come over to the door, towering over the rest of the people, other than Stan, who is also looking like a damn giraffe compared to everyone else.

"Well, seeing as everything has been fine so far, here you go. We will have a check up in a couple of days as protocol says. So, here they are. Goodbye for now," she says.

After she gives us the kids, she leaves with a big smile on her face. I'm guessing these were the last kids of the day... damn, our sleeping schedule is so fucked up... Kenny woke up and it's already like over 2 pm.

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