New year, new try~Stylenny (South Park.)

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I...... here we go.
Warnings: Cursing and some fairly personal things.
Ages: 15.
Note: Definitely didn't hide thank you's to Hello_Im_Crazy279 and caffeinetea in two characters..... no, I totally didn't hide my thank you's in dialogue. Gratification: I do not want to kiss, unless platonic, but I needed a ship.
Kenny's POV

I tape the paper to the wall and draw a line, sighing slightly. Stan gives me these papers each year, he says he has this tradition.

Just keep it below 360 and you'll be fine.

I smile a little. It's probably not gonna stay below that but I can dream. These papers have been here to mark every shitty day I have had each year. I'm gonna beat it, I beat my best last year. That thanks to my new and old friends.... 2018 wasn't the BEST year I've had..... I got diagnosed for depression, people died.... Kyle got official diagnosis for anxiety, Stan's struggling as well. But that's fine. This year I'll continue to help others, continue to hold onto other people near falling. Because they hold me after that.... and I would hold on anyway.

"That looks really nice!"

I jump and look at my window, Kyle gets in and soon Stan climes in after.

"Happy new year!"

I smile.

"It stroke three minutes ago."

"Kenny, you mentioned your family tradition and since you won't do it with a broken family, we wanted to come here so you would have something," Stan says.

Kyle nods, I sigh.

"Thank you's are..... Okay then."

I take a deep breath.

"I'm just gonna do it. Family tradition is to thank the people present for the greatest things they've done."

Both of them nod and I take a deep breath.

"Last year was some of the greatest years I have had, EVER. Thanks to you and so many other people. Thank you for it. Thank you for being so great."

I smile and look at Stan first.

"Thank you for giving me hope that somebody still cares. Thank you for accepting me though I'm a bit edgy. Thank you for talking to me and having the kind of humour that makes me laugh. Thank you for telling me so much I didn't know before. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for taking me into a conversation, thank you for making me feel more comfortable with myself. I'm non-binary, I have dysmorphia, that including towards my voice... you're the first person to make me feel more comfortable with it. Thank you for sharing interests and talking about them with me. Thank you for confiding in me. Thank you for screaming random Hamilton lyrics with me. Thank you for your humour, thank you for being fine with my self absorbed ass. Thank you for existing. Thank you for being so kind and generous and generally amazing. Thank you for helping me understand things better. Thank you for being so smart. Thank you for being such a great human. Thank you for all those late night singings. Thank you for making me feel at home for ones. Thank you for understanding my dumbass, thank you for trying to talk to me about this shit that's way out of my league. Thank you for keeping my head clear in dark moment. Thank you for letting me be a pervert. Thank you for this year, for all your friendship."

Stan smiles.

"I don't know if—."

"Thank you for still being humble but shut up and know it's true."

Stan laughs and pushes Kyle forward, I take him by the shoulders.

"Thank you for teaching me so much. Thank you for dealing for my dumbass. Thank you for not letting me go. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for making me feel like we matter the same amount, even if you're 9000 times smarter than I am. Thank you for letting me see what your life is like, not always but sometimes. Thank you for letting me show you songs. Thank you for being patient when I'm not. Thank you for being the most adult for Stan and I, even if Stan wouldn't need it. Thank you for talking about watching after kids with me. Thank you for reminding me that it isn't worth it to live in abuse. Thank you for having deep conversations with me. Thank you for trying to understand me when I'm shit and barely understandable. Thank you for being here. Thank you for also keeping the dark clouds from my head. Thank you for letting me be a pervert. Thank you for making things that interest me. Thank you for letting me be salty sometimes. Thank you for also being humorous. All and all, thank you for your friendship and for this year."

Kyle smiles a little.

~Time skip because this is my new year's resolution next.~

I sigh, getting up with my paper. Do it, do it, do it. Anxiety can wait.

"Hey.... so I'm making a promise. I have hard times ahead, you have hard times ahead, they have hard times ahead.... but I promise to help. To hold onto the person that's on the ledge, to hold onto any hope... even when I'm struggling. We won't get help if we don't help others and if you can, you always should hold onto the closest person you can, the one you love, the one you like, anything. I promise that this year might not be better but I'm going to help more actively. Thank you, thank you so much! For the year before this.... but it's time we help others more... for without helping others we don't help ourselves. You, they, i, we all have hard times but it's time we hold onto each other, make a pulchritudinous line of pulchritudinous people that help each other! And even if it's only I that hangs on and tries this..... fuck it. This is what I promise this year. Help for those in need and if you can help, I suggest helping others. We can do great things, we have that kind of man power."

I get off, feeling the anxiety in my whole body. Kyle comes up and takes me into a kiss, Stan just after he gets off.

"You really can't make speeches," Stan says.

I roll my eyes. I knew that.

"Love you," I say.

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