Next Summer~ Stendy (South Park.)

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I like the idea of a song in Finland. And I thought to make it into a story. And Stendy sort of... has the feeling to it you know?
Warnings: Cursing.
Ages: 20 both.
Stan's POV.

I can't do this, I'm not going to do this, oh God. Why the hell did I choose today? Why didn't I wait? What the hell is wrong with me? Oh my fucking world... why do I always make the shit choices. I shouldn't, I should stay thinking about the choices I make rather than making them based on blind thoughts and blind trust in something outside of my control. But here I am again... why would I be? Stressing about all of it again, scared for her reaction again. I have a child for fucks sake. If she doesn't want this and we break up? What is my daughter's life going to be like?

"Hey, this is the place," Kyle says.

He pulls me up. I smile and thank him. He pulls Kenny up from behind me with his left hand... fucking show Off.

"Are the girls coming?" Kenny asks.

Kyle looks at his phone.

"'Hey Kyle (and others). We're there real soon, we'll make some kind of noise so you know we're coming. Remember to keep Stan calm, he's never looked more stressed in his fucking life. I like the idea you mentioned, we should totally do it. Text me more so we can figure everything out. Nichole from Bebe's phone.' Yup, they're very much coming now," Kyle says.

I can't help the stress getting to me, even though Nichole said to stay calm this is the moment of my fucking life and if I mess this up, everything I've build for 8 years is going to go in the air, as if it never actually existed. So of fucking course I'm stressed out of my mind.

"Kyle," I say.

Kenny goes off to the side with nothing to say.

"Yeah?" Kyle asks, surprised that I'm telling him something so close to the moment.

"This is really stressing me out, dude. What if something happens-?" I ask.

"What did you need, Stan? What do you really need for you to understand the situation is under control?" Kyle asks.

"I... Kyle, I can't do this," I say.

"What do you me-oooooh. Yes you can, dude! It's pretty easy," Kyle says.

He drags Kenny to us, gets on one knee and without laughing, asks,

"Will you marry me?"

"Kyle... our wedding is next month?" Kenny asks.

"Come on, I'm just showing Stan it's easy to do, that proposing isn't so fucking hard when you know the person really well," Kyle says.

"Yes. For the second time, I will," Kenny says.

"See, Stan?" Kyle asks, looking at me with a smile.

"First of all, you two are couple goals. Second of all, my future wive and I already have a child, it's going to be incredibly hard to marry while a two years old is at your feet. Third of all, if she says no and starts hating me, Wilma has lost her family," I say.

"Shut up about your shit and marry one of my best friends, Stan," Kenny says, getting annoyed at my constant stressing.

I laugh.

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