She lied~Stendy (South Park.)

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Hello~. Yeah, I wanted to do this for some reason. (Maybe so not everything I do is copied from caffeinetea or Hello_Im_Crazy279 for ones. So yeah.)  Also. An AU, where Stendy didn't go out in school but met via a friend both of them had (Kyle).
Warnings: Cursing and kinda angst, as well as death. Also, I made this to hate on the law system. So assault is also something we're touching on a little.
Ages: 20 both.
Stan's POV.

"She lied to me exactly nine times. The first one was something I should have gotten the sign from," I state.

The footsteps echo around us, I pull Wendy up with a smile. She looks about ready to puke, sitting next to me. "How are you?" I ask, smiling. "I'm good," she lies.

"The second time was a more abstract lie," I say.

The silence falls as we both continue staring ahead. "I love you," I say smiling. "I love you too," she states. I put my head on her shoulder. "Do you plan a lot? Like. What you wanna do in the future?" I ask. "No," she lies.

"Just now, a little too late... do I realise that what she said should have been a hint. Her third lie was all fine," I say.

"Hey Wendy. Can you come over today?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Moms friends are coming over today," she says.

"Her fourth lies might have hurt the most," I say.

We sit across each other, like always. "Are-are you still hanging out with your friends?" Wendy asks. "Who? Kenny?" I ask. "No no, the other one. Eric, was it?" Wendy asks. I nod. "Did something happen with you two?" I ask. "No, it's all fine, I like your friends," Wendy lies.

"The whole sentence was a lie and I really should have questioned her on it. But I just trusted her," I say.

I take a deep breath.

"I caught her on her fifth and sixth lie," I say.

"You've been really quiet lately," I say. "It's nothing," she answers, keeping up a lie. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes, I am," she lies. I take a deep breath. "No you're not," I say. She gets up and gets out of the room.

"Seventh lie came after she told me about her being pregnant with this little girl," I say.

I show them all Wilma.

"Stan," she states. She sits next to me on the bed, smiling warmly towards me. "Hey," I say. She sighs. "Look, I'm pregnant," she says. I nod. "I'm going to assume you are going to abort-," I start. "No, I'm not," she says. I sigh. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes. My parents won't let me," she says. I sigh and put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll get through this," I say. "Yeah, we will," she lies.

"Can you stop for a minute?" The head of law states.

I nod and continue staring up.

"You do realise you're here on account of assaulting your dead girlfriend, right? We don't need this," he says.

"It's not me who assaulted her," I say.

"But as her final letter states, you are the clearest option, Marsh," he says.

"May I please continue giving my account here? I apologise, mister, but I have the freedom of speech on my side," I say.

He sighs.

"Continue," he says.'

"The eight lie was one of the worse ones," I say.

"Wendy? Are you crying?" I ask. I sit next to her. "I-I've been counting," She says. I nod, continuing to stare down. "I-I'm not certain it's yours," she says. "You can't be serious," I say. "I am," she says. "Who the fuck else exists?" I ask, getting slightly angry. "Stan, please," she says. "Please what? Please don't get angry that you cheated on me?! With who?" I ask. "It's my fucking fault," she lies.

"I think she was lying to herself, not me," I say.

"Excuse me, sir? Did the assault take place between these times or did she actually cheat?" One of the lawyers asks.

"It took place a while after you know, we did something to have this little one," I say, pointing towards Wilma.

"So can you draw us the idea here?" The same lawyer asks.

"Gladly, ma'am. Wilma was born in July 23rd, my girlfriend has this happen to her in November, the 30th. We had sex, with a condom that broke, in the 21st," I say.

Why do the details matter this much anyway?

"Is Wilma yours then?" A lawyer asks.

"Yes. And even if by DNA she wasn't, she's my child. I loved her mother more than anyone else on this fucking planet and that has Wilma as mine," I say.

"Well we got the DNA test here," a lawyer states.

I nod.

"And lets open it then," an annoyed looking lawyer says.

As they open the letter, I keep Wilma in my arms. If she is not mine, I might need to give her away to the real dad... which most likely is someone who fucking-... I don't even want to think about that possibility.

"She is yours," a lawyer states.

I, crying, take Wilma into my arms. The two years old looks unaware of her surroundings completely.

"But as the trial-," the head of law states.

"May I tell you the rest I've prepared?" I ask.

They all sigh.

"You are the easiest one to blame, just let us do this," one of them says.

"The ninth lie was about the assault itself. It was just before she killed herself," I say.

"Was it with Cartman? Did you cheat with him?" I ask. She nods, crying slightly. "Do you want me to call-?" I ask. "No no no no," she says, almost fearful. I kiss her forehead to calm her down. "You seem scared of him. Did something happen?" I ask. She shakes her head, lying again.

"If I see here, I haven't lied ones during this testimony," I say, pointing towards the lie director test.

"But he has," I say, pointing to Cartman.

They sigh.

"I guess you're getting lucky. If you weren't able to prove yourself, it would have automatically been you," the head says.

"I'm concerned that all the ones before this-," I say.

I put my hands on the desk.

"The 5 steps of law before this haven't bothered. I want the person I loved..... I want the one responsible for her wanting to kill herself responsible and the finger is constantly towards me," I say.

I take Wilma and we leave the courthouse.

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