Forgotten one~Stoken (South Park.)

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I didn't do enough less shipped ships! I'm so sorry! I'm literally on a quest to do as many less seen ships as I can.
Warnings: Mentions of depression and cursing. (Now I said Kenny basically meant sexual content. To me, Stan basically means, most of the time, depression.)
Ages: 16 both (But I have to reference 'making a friendship.' So, at points, this'll just look like it was from some other age.)
Stan's POV.

I stare out of the window, two options in my mind. Should I or should I not call Kyle?

"No," I say.

I throw my phone on my bed, falling down on the floor in complete silence.

"STANLEY!" Mom screams.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Your friend wants to come in!" Mom yells.

"Who?" I ask.

"Token," mom says.

"Okay! I'll be right down!" I say.

I get off the floor and get out to meet up with Token.

"Hey," I say, waving.

"Not to be rude but I waited for you for half an hour," Token says.

"Oh shit! I forgot that it was today!" I say.

"Don't worry about it too much," Token says.

"I mean, it's not that late. Or do you have something to do?" I ask.

"No, not today," Token says.

"Mom. Can I go?" I ask.

Mom rolls her eyes.

"As long as you're getting out of the house for ones," mom says.

"Thanks mom," I say.

I just quickly put on my shoes and leave out the door.

"So. What have you been doing?" I ask.

Token shrugs.

"Nothing really. Been talking with Craig and Clyde a lot," Token says.

"That's awesome," I say.

"Do you think that you'd enjoy being apart of the group?" Token asks.

"I mean, you're the only friend I have here," I say.

"You still have Kyle and Kenny, they're just not in South Park anymore," Token says.

"I know, I know. I just... sort of never realized how different it would be without them. They haven't been calling or anything, I handle that, apparently," I say.

"Stan. They're just busy people. I'm sure that considering that Kenny and the rest aren't even in America, they might be having trouble contacting you. As for Kyle... Kyle probably has tests or something, you know, they'd be the kind of person to go to a summer school just so they can be sure they remember everything," Token says.

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