If i hurt you again~Kyman (South Park.)

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Warnings: Eh, something probably.
Ages: 14.
Kyle's POV.

The snow outside the train hasn't melted, on the continuation, the white has become higher and higher each time I've looked.

It's three days, three days in this fucking train. It's been..... two hours. Stan's asleep, Kenny holding him in his arms.... barely awake himself.

There are four bunks. Cartman, Stan, Kenny, Kyle, they all have our names on shitty paper... the gays don't seem to mind as they are holding onto each other for their dear lives.


I look over to Cartman, he's drawn on his window: Doesn't he know how annoying that is?


The gays are now both asleep in the bunk on top of Cartman: Kenny weighs so little they count as one person. It's not healthy, it's malnutrition. He eats, when it's free, probably three times his weight.

"I haven't seen this kind of a storm in ages."

I nod, looking out yet again. He sighs.

"You're not the silent type."

I shrug and get my feet on my lap.

"I normally don't talk to people like you."

Cartman sighs, keeping his eyes on me.

"Your hair still isn't dry," he notifies.

This is beyond the normal things. He's rude when it comes to normal, this is aftermath.

"I don't know if that matters."

"If we leave, it's gonna freeze."

I roll my eyes and take my book, opening it.

"I don't understand why you're not being snarky and hitting me."

"If I hurt you again, we're gonna repeat mistakes."

He rolls his eyes.

"Was it a mistake for you?"

"Yes, yes it was."

"Wasn't for me. I don't want to repeat mistakes that almost kept it from ever happening."

There is a long silence between us before I finally realise what he means.

"You hate me."

"Correction: I used to hate you. There is a difference, Jew."

I roll my eyes.

"How did you stop hating me?"

"Being brought up in a family with a lot of hate for all kinds of people, of course I'd hate you. Mom doesn't act like it but morals don't just come out of nowhere. She said a lot of things that did make me hate Jews (amongst others) and I think it's that much more terrifying when you realise my mom grew out of those morals and wanted to fix them in me but couldn't."

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