Silence~Scorbus (Harry Potter)

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I read cursed child again! Plus, I cannot find my copy of the half-blood prince anywhere. All others are in a pile, that one is nowhere to be found. (Also, when I refer to 'Harry's anger issues', it is my actual thoughts. Because I actually don't think that is out of character, how irritated he becomes, quickly.)
Warnings: Cursing mainly.
Ages: 5th year. (By the way, I thought about writing a sort of 'fix it' about Scorbus since THE REAL BOOK IS BULLSHIT AND AT LEAST I'M NOT BLIND ENOUGH TO FUCK IT UP AS BAD WITH THE ROMANCE!)
Scorpius' POV.

"Look, Scorpius, you're a nice guy, I swear," Rose says, looking incredibly awkward.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I mean it. I just mean... maybe it's better to break up. I know that we've been together for like two months and it has been a nice time, I swear. I just- look, there are a lot of reasons for this, it's not you, it's me," Rose says.

"Okay, cool," I say.

"It has been a good time, okay? I just-," Rose says.

"It's fine, Rose. I'm nowhere near childish enough to put this against you. Bye," I say.

"We could be... friends. Right?" Rose asks.

"Oh look who is the one asking for that now. Oh how the tables have turned. But to be serious for ones, of course we can be friends," I say.

There is a moment of silence before Rose goes off to her friends. I just stand still, against the wall. Waiting for Albus to come along.

"Waiting for me or something?" Albus asks.

"Hi," I say.

"Hey," he says back.

"I just thought. Since it's Christmas soon. Do you have to be at yours or I don't know... could you maybe come over to mine or...?" I ask.

"Come with you and your dad? Fuck yes," Albus says.

"I mean I'd think your dad would like you home for Christmas, you haven't been in such a long time," I say.

"Fuck that! Until my dad learns to manage his anger, I am not stepping a foot into that house," he says.

"Your dad promised to do better, maybe he is learning," I say.

"It takes a bit more than a promise and trying to get over a clear fucking anger management issue that can barely be fixed anymore. But I don't really blame him. The world, at first, tortured him and then spoiled him, all from a very young age," Albus says.

"I mean, he is a hero, who wouldn't 'spoil' a hero," I say.

"No. I mean-arg. This is going to sound really weird. Since he was connected to Voldemort and shit, nobody really told him to shut the fuck up when he was being angry. Dumbledore, I mean, I hugely respected the man but letting a teenage boy break stuff in your office, even if you can fix it, is not a good thing. Especially teaching someone to control their anger. He knew that nobody had taught him to control his anger when he was young. But because he could kill fucking Voldemort, it's fine! But what about when a man that skipped a stage in development (a stage that by skipping could cause major anger issues) has kids of all things. He didn't know how to teach any of anger management, he doesn't have it himself!" Albus says.

"I-wow-I never thought about that," I say.

"Yeah. Neither did anyone else, clearly," Albus says.

"But just saying. When he broke the stuff, his godfather had just died," I say.

"Apologies in advance for mentioning your mother," Albus says.

"It's fine," I say.

"You didn't start breaking stuff when someone you had by your side all your life, died. That's because you're way more mature and calm that my father is now," Albus says.

"Don't compare me to Harry Potter, the man that saved Britain," I say.

"Yeah, because you are too good to be compared to him," Albus says.

I can't help blushing a little.

"How did we go from Christmas to complex anger management issues?" Albus asks.

"Don't ask me, I don't know," I say.

"But you are the smart one," he says.

I nod.

"Are you and Rose going to do something today or is it a me and you night?" Albus asks after a moment of silence.

"I don't have a girlfriend anymore!" I say.

"You broke up? Wow," Albus says.

"I mean, I'm not seeing your girlfriend anywhere," I say.

Albus starts laughing.

"I'm too gay for their taste," Albus says.

"You're not gay. Unless your crush happened to be a boy, which I know she was not," I say.

"Romantically, a girl is fine. I much prefer guys though," Albus says.

"What? Are you excluding poor non-binary people?" I ask.

"Yes, sadly. But you, as a straight person-," Albus says.

I burst out laughing.

"Albus. Me? Straight? In which timeline?" I ask.

"Wait. What?" He asks.

"I don't like pans but you can call me, Pansexual," I say.

"Was that meant to be a terrible joke?" Albus asks.

"Don't pretend you didn't chuckle," I say.

"I don't need to pretend, I didn't," Albus says.

I smile at him.

"So you're pansexual," he says.

"You're gay or bi or whatever you label yourself as. Like anyone?" I ask.

"Maybe," he says.

"No maybes allowed," I say.

"I do," he says.

"Tell me about him," I say.

"I can give off everything with two sentences. One, I'm so distantly related that it almost doesn't count as related. Two, we are very close friends that got to know each other on the ride to Hogwarts," Albus says.

"I'm your only friend that isn't your cousin! Really?" I ask.

He nods. I smile at him, taking his hand.

"Thank you," I say.

"I-I... I've never kissed anyone. So," he says, very awkwardly.

I laugh a little before taking him in for a kiss.

"I've kissed ones now," I say after pulling away.

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