Sharing~ Weasley Twins x Lee (Harry Potter.)

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Don't know the ship name, fuck shipnames anyway. They're not cool anymore. Like, Wolfstar was cool. What do we have now? 'If we put these name's together, it spells out something that makes zero sense.'
Warnings: incest-ish, cursing. All and all, I do things that are not reading Harry Potter. Last read the books when the cursed child... no... 8 months ago. Cursed child half a week ago. So, apologies if I don't remember every bit of their personalities.
Ages: They're on their last year at Hogwarts (which is Harry's... fifth year?)
George's POV.

"So. What are you gonna do?" Lee asks.

"Well, we want to go with a bang," Fred says.

"What are we going to do? Blast into Umbrella bitches room during the exams or something?" Lee asks.

"No! Little Ronny is having O.W.L.S this year. Wouldn't want to ruin it for everybody," Fred says.

"I agree with Fred. But I'm more... why the hell did you call her 'Umbrella bitch?'" I ask.

"Look, I don't know half of the stuff I say before it's been said!" Lee says.

Fred takes a box of fireworks from under the bed.

"What do you think, brother dearest? Would you like to make a huge marketing campaign?" Fred asks.

I look at him.

"Absolutely, Freddie," i say.

Lee looks both interested and sort of surprise.

"They'd get rid of it in minutes," Lee says.

"Lee, don't doubt us," I say.

"I'm not doubting. I'm just saying that the professors have years of dealing with stuff like this," Lee says.

"Umbitch doesn't," Fred says.

"What are you proposing?" I ask.

"Well, Georgie, Lee, I don't think the professors are going  to be very invested in getting our little goodbye to go away," Fred says.

"You mean get the teachers in on this?" Lee asks.

"Not really. I mean that if there is I know it's that everyone here hates the pink frog," Fred says.

"So you're saying we'll get away with it?" I ask.

"Obviously. If we leave school, there is no way to punish us," Fred says.

I nod.

"You know, I couldn't ask for a better partners in crime," I say.

"Yeah yeah, I'm great, go on," Fred says.

He starts laughing.

"So what exactly are we going to do? Just release the fireworks?" Lee asks.

"Oh no no, Lee dear. We cannot just simply do that," I say.

"We have to make it the best goddamn show in the memory of all the students," Fred says, continuing perfectly after my sentence.

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