I get jealous... 2/4~Style (South Park.)

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Warnings: Murder or talk about it (This is going down quick), I ruined Kyle's character by giving in and making him a yandere (which my kind little bean is not!), kidnapping and cursing but at this point, Cursing is nothing bad. (I AM NOT MAKING THIS AS NORMAL AND CASUAL AS I NORMALLY DO, THIS IS IN NO WAY MEANT TO BE A WAY TO SHOW SOMEONE 'LOVE'.)
Ages: 18 years old both of them.
Stan's POV.

I slowly start seeing lights, opening my eyes. There is Kyle, just starring at me.

"Oh, you're awake," he says.

He's smiling, it's probably the creepiest smile I've ever seen him do. No, cross that, I saw him do a lot creepier when we made fun of horror movies.

"Kyle... what the fuck is going on?" I ask.

"It's not that easy to tell a murderer... isn't it, dearest?" He asks.

"What the fuck are you saying?" I ask.

"I was going to talk about that... if you would have left me a second to speak," he says.

He literally pulls out a knife.

"It's a lot easier than you think. And quick," he says.

He's turning it around in his hands, leaving me pretty much paralyzed.

"Such a shame Wendy had to step between us," he says.

"What?" I ask.

He points the knife at me.

"It's not kind to stop someone when they're speaking, even if you are beautiful, I expect manners of you," Kyle says.

His voice is chilling calm.

"Okay. How to start? Hm. Maybe saying that I get jealous? Especially when you have something I think of as MINE," he says.

I keep still, even if his yelling is of the last word is creepy as fuck.

"You could say I'm envious. If I want something, I get it," he says.

He puts the knife under my chin.

"Even if it's a person I want," he says.

The knife is dangerously close to hurting me.

"Don't worry, I got them a message. 'Dear mother and father. Don't worry about me. I'm trying to become an adult. Don't be scared. I'll be texting you and come back when I have figured my life out. Stan.' Isn't it weird that I can copy a handwriting so well?" He asks.

"W-What?" I ask.

"Oh I remember writing Wendy's 'suicide letter'. Such a fun one," he says.

I close my eyes, wishing that if I do it enough, I wake up.

"It's nice to see a kind one. I wouldn't even bother trying to get away from that," Kyle says.

"How are you going to convince my parents when I don't come back?" I ask.

"Oh I'm sure you will. For the meantime, I know you well enough to know the right words for everything to be okay," he says.

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