Help him~Staig (South Park

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This probably sounds abusive but I was listening to 'Diary of Jane' when this came into my head.
Warnings: Cursing and probably hurts everyone who loves Stan.
Ages: 15.
Stan's POV.


I run after him, trying to catch up before the people hit like a wave and he's nowhere to be seen again.

"Stan! Stop!" Wendy yells.

She grabs my hand and drags me back.

"I don't know what he's done to you but this isn't good for you."

I fight my hand out of hers.

"Please, Wendy, he just needs help."

She shakes her head but I just run before she can catch me by the hand.

"STAN! That's not a good idea!" Kyle yells.

He needs me, I saw it, he needs me. Don't listen to them, they don't know what you saw, Stan. Nobody knows what he's like, he's broken. Fix him. You can do it!


He turns around to look at me. I feel myself freeze.

"I thought I told you to stay away!" He says.

No, no, don't drive me away. I can't live without you anymore.

"No! I won't stay away! You need help!"

"Your friends have the right idea, I'm a bad influence."

I shake my head.

"They don't know shit! Please, this doesn't need to be this way! We can be happy! We can have fun with kissing and smiling, we can live like all the others. Just please, don't leave me. Please, I'll do anything."

"There's the problem."


I feel the tears fall down as I beg.

"P-please don't leave me anymore, Craig, I can't make it without you."

"You shouldn't be so dependant!"

"I can't fucking help it! Do you think that if I did I would be like this?"

A few people have stop to watch us.

"Stan, you never were in my heart."

"Then let me in! You're in mine! I'll be good, just let me in..... please."

"You're supposed to hate me."

"There is a fine line between love and hate!"

He laughs.

"I doubt you know what love is like! People don't fall in love with me."

"There is a possibility. If you didn't push the people back that want to love you!"

"Stan, stop it!"

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