Dream~Stylenny (South Park.)

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Don't ask me where this came from, I just thought about what if Asia burned down, yes, I'm going to shit that badly.
Warnings: Cursing and some very interesting things.
Ages: 16.
Kenny's POV.

I'm running. I'm not exactly certain of why I'm running but I'm running out of the way of people with thousands of torches. They're yelling that I'm a witch, keeping up with me too well for me to understand. I'm a fast runner! How the fuck are they keeping up with me?


I make sure to go faster, jumping over a rock and from there down from it, pushing the rock before jumping on the other side.


I keep running, going into a cave of sorts to get away from it. It hurts like hell to keep running when my feet are pretty much shit.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck."

The cave ends with a climb to get out. I take a hold of the rock in front of me, jumping up and up and up until I'm at the very end where I kick a part someone could use to climb down, rendering the climb I made impossible.


I run off from under the hole before speeding up even more, running through the forest on top of the mountain, my feet hurting like hell...wait am I doing barefoot?


I keep running, feeling the water underneath my feet as I run onwards, the water reaching my lower half completely before going back up. Shit, these'll be freezing soon and then running will be hard.


I climb up again, running even more. Fuck. Where the fuck am I?

"Are you okay, traveler?"

I look at the man. He shares a sticking similarity with Kyle, only different by the way of speaking and the clothing.

"Y-Yes. Just please, don't let them see me!"

Ky—is he Kyle? They are different enough to not match.


I slide down and hide in a small hole within the rocks.

"We're looking for a witch. He's light haired with sky eyes."

The man looks at the people looking for me.

"I'm afraid I saw him run past. Should I have stopped him?"

"Oh no. We need to go now!"

They run off and the man that looks like Kyle sits in front of the opening in the rock.

"Could you explain why they are looking for you?"

I shake my head.

"If I knew, I would."

He laughs slightly.

"We may need you to see a healer, your foot is bleeding."

I nod and he takes me by the hand, dragging me up. The pain overtakes me.

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