My turn~ K2 (South Park.)

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It's one AM, I am allowed my smut. Also, sorry for making Kyle so... um... you know what I mean... story like.
Warnings: Kinky (It's K2 after all~), smut and cursing and smoking at the start.
Ages: 18 both.
Kyle's POV.

I smile at Kenny, whose lying down, smoking. I get on top of him, he rises his eyebrow as I take his (or I'm pretty sure it might be from his boss as a gift.) cigarette and I put it in my mouth, blow out and put it out. He is full on paying attention. Of course he would.

"Hey~," I say.

"Want something?" He asks, he is smirking.

I wink at him.

"So you're horny," he says.

"Well that much is fucking obvious," I say.

"You wanna-?" He asks.

"You told me last time I could be dominant this time," I say, trying to keep my voice as even as possible.

He nods.

"Well, I keep my promises," he says.

I smile at him before kissing him.

"And dude. As much as I like kinky shit, i don't want to fuck in the fucking backyard," Kenny says.

"All in good time," I say.

He seems fairly surprised at what the fuck is happening.

"So you're the slow type," he says.

"Aren't you supposed to be a quiet one?" I ask, changing my voice quite dramatically.

He immediately shuts up.

"How long can you stay quiet?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes. I can practically hear him saying 'I can be silent for' and some period of time.

"Didn't hear you~," I say.

I kiss his neck, trying to find a softer spot. The moment I find it, I bite into it, as strongly as I can, without hurting him too much. Well, I don't actually think he'd mind getting hurt.

"Okay. We could get inside now, might be better," I say.

I pull him up and lead him to my bedroom. The moment we get in and the door is closed, I push him against it, smirking. He, of course, doesn't mention how a smirk doesn't suit me but by the face he has, it might actually be the opposite.

"You look good," I say.

I get back to his neck, getting down and down, until his shirt comes on the way. I get it off, continuing with what I was just doing before turning him to the bed, getting him on it.

"Oh now it's getting easier~," I say.

I get to his nipples, taking one into my mouth while using my hands to touch anything I can. Finally, he let's out a moan.

"Oh there you go. I have to say, that was a lot longer than I was expecting," I say.

I stare him in the eyes.

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