Body language~Kyman (South Park.)

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I like all ships and want to make a Kyman story and for ONES, I beg for ANY criticism!
Warnings: Cursing and sort of sexual content.
Ages: 16 both.

Kyle's POV.

"I give up! Nichole, I'm serious. It's all just too fucking confusing and now Kenny is in on it, dude is asking me weird things and I just want to fucking scream but mom is in the next room and I don't want her to know shit about this. It's confusing, annoying and I can't fucking take it," I say.

"Look, Kyle, just tell me what it is and I'll help you," Nichole says.

"It's fucking embarrassing," I say, putting my headphones into the phone.

"No it's not! And even if it is, I don't like you so annoyed! Nobody does! You're like a fucking bomb that'll blow up any second. If it bothers you, fucking talk to me about it. Or talk to Stan, i don't mind either way," Nichole says.

I sigh.

"Oh that's what I need, Stan hating on me for something I have zero control over," I say, with dripping sarcasm.

"Just tell me what i-," Nichole starts.

"I'M GAY DAMNIT!" I yell.

"And why would that be a problem?" Nichole asks.

I sigh and put the fucking dress shirt on the chair, along with the tie.

"That's in no way the biggest thing here," I say.

"Do you like Stan or something?" Nichole asks.

"That would be the easier thing to deal with," I mutter.

"Then what is it?" Nichole asks.

I start putting the pants on.

"I like someone, yeah. But it's not a dude I should like," I say.

I take the shirt and put it on, then slipping the phone out from underneath.

"Is he taken or something?" Nichole asks.

"Not right now," I say, getting the shirt buttoned up.

"Then what is it? Is he straight?" Nichole asks.

"If I knew that for certain, this would be a lot easier. Just a quick 'Nope, he doesn't like dick' and then move along. But no, he has to be really fucking ambiguous about it," I say.

I put the tie on.

"I mean, it doesn't sound that weird then. Go for it. I've got eyes on Red so I won't get jealous," Nichole says.

"Red? Really?" I ask.

"Since Wendy and Bebe started dating, Red came out," Nichole says.

"That's sort of adorable. You have to ask her on a date tonight," I say.

"Yeah. Hey, thanks for going with me," Nichole says.

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