Far from it~ Stylenny (South Park.)

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Sorry for making Stan so confident... i NEVER thought that sentence would come in a chapter. I just need my non-binary peeps and decided to start with Stan because GODDAMNIT WHY IS NON-BINARY QUEEN STAN NOT A THING.
Warnings: Cursing and well, incredibly OOC for Stan. The little one needs confidence. He lacks that majorly every now and again. Also a bit of the word 'Tranny'. Yeah, I know, hate speech. I have had it used it against me for an attack and if the word is triggering, my apologies, I just think it's important to use uncensored language like that.
Ages: 17 all.
Stan's POV.

Well... if nobody likes this, I can blame it on a dare, let's do this.

"See you!" I tell dad, getting out of the car.

"Proud of you," dad says.

"Thanks dad," I say.

I laugh at the loud noise of the heels. Although everyone's looks are scary, fuck it. I can look down at the ground.

"Not another tranny!" Someone yells.

I'm going to presume that was Cartman, at least if-

"Shut the fuck up, Fatass!" Kyle yells.

Yep, it's Cartman.

"Nah, far from it. I'm not trans. Plus, tranny is not a nice way to talk about someone," I say.

"How many are there? Seriously? Wendy, Kyle and now you?"

I chuckle.

"According to studies, 1 in 10 of young people doesn't identify with their birth gender, which makes it 10%. However, like snakes, we seek out people that aren't little shits," I say.

Did I seriously just-? Oh God.

"It's so not natural."

I laugh.

"I must correct you. Being such a little bitch that you have to call me unnatural is fucking bigotry and that's unnatural," I say.

You can look up, Stan. You can do it.

"I don't understand how you can say all that shit anyway," Kenny says.

He took his hood off just to be understandable?

"You see, Eric dear, you've quite openly said that you're trans. Wouldn't want to say that it was all lies, would you now?" Kenny asks.

Do I have the best significant others in the universe or do I have the best significant others?

"Don't have to be such a little shit about your confusion, Eric. I'm fine the way i am and with you out of my fucking business," I say.

"Fucking tranny."

"Whatcha say?"

Wait, Leo? What the fuck? I look up just to see Leo looking at Cartman with maybe the most evil eyes I've ever seen from the boy.

"Would you repeat? I couldn't have heard you right," Leo says.

"Stan's a fucking tranny," Cartman says.

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