Big steps~Rarry (Harry Potter.)

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I might be finding my old songs and poems a little too often. So this story is slightly made around one but that one was to the lost child that lost everything. I thought it would suit the situation (I think it was actually inspired by Harry Potter, so, going full circle.) The song was much different, maybe I can just quickly record it someday?
Warnings: cursing and hints to depression and sort of trauma (as you fucking get after most people you cared about died a terrible death protecting you. Fucking hell, I have trauma from less!)
Ages: 19 both.
Ron's POV.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

He doesn't move, staring at the same wall. He's been staring at it for an hour now, the only movement is his breathing and even that keeps changing, the rhythm of it does not exist, it changes as quickly as you get use to the last one.

"Wake up!" I say.

I hit his shoulder. He looks at me, his face is stone, nothing comes though it. He's not happy, he's not sad. He is just stone, a mere unmotivated piece of rock.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He let's out a long sigh, still no words, just there, nothing seems to happen to his face, nothing behind his eyes.

"Would you answer? Bloody Hell, Mate. You could just-you know- talk to me," I say.

It's distressing, hearing nothing when you're becoming desperate for any sort of response.

"Talk to me, please," I say.

He jumps up to hug me, I hug him back. I can hear his breath, and his sobbing.

"You can tell me what it is," I say.

He takes a deep breath.

"I-I didn't want anyone to die, I knew the would but I didn't want it. So many people got hurt... just because I wasn't fast enough," he says.

"Fast enough? Nobody is blaming you," I say.

He sighs.

"I-just took too long. If I was fast enough with what I was supposed to do, if i helped more people-," he says.

"You can't possibly say that! Look, I'm not exactly smart but I do know that nobody that tried to defend you expected to come out alive. You did the best you could. Nobody blames you for any death. Do you need Hermione here? She might know what to do," I say.

"No, I'm just... thinking everything over. What if someone didn't die if I did something different?" He asks.

"What's in the past is in the past. If you were meant to change it, the change would have happened when you were there. What is done is done! I'm not hung up on the fact Fred is dead, sure, it's sad and there is a what if but what the fuck is the use in that. You're meant to build onto what you lost," I say.

"Why are you so smart?" Harry asks.

"I'm not smart," I say.

I get up and open the blinds for a dramatic effect.

"I just know that there is no use sulking over all this. The war is over but there is more to do," I say.

"I know, I know," Harry says.

"You know but you're not doing it," I say.

"You sound like Hermione, going on about spew or something," Harry says.

I roll my eyes and throw him some clothes.

"You aren't out enough. Lets go," I say.

"I'd rather not," Harry says.

"Oh fuck me. Harry, mate, at this point, it isn't what you want," I say.

"I'm the only one that is taking any steps, so, it's my choice. Goodnight," Harry says.

"You know what? Fuck no," I say.

I look at him.

"I'll actually fucking levitate you outside if you're not coming otherwise," I say.

He sighs before putting his clothes on.

"There you go! Now, there is a lot to do," I say.

"Like?" He asks.

"Going to buy food, we're out of it and like Hermione said, 'you can't just magically get food out of nothing', you know, she said that... or something along those lines," I say.

He sighs.

"Plus. It's about time we tell mum and the others about us dating," I say.

He rolls his eyes.

"Oh sure. Lets tell them we're dating," he says.

"What's your problem?" I ask.

"My problem? The fact that we are probably gonna be married soon and just now are mentioning that 'oh yeah, we're dating'," Harry says.

"Neither of us has asked yet, so, no, we are not married. Meaning we have time," I say.

"I am pretty sure that is going to happen very soon," Harry says.

He winks.

"Fuck you," I say.

"At least offer dinner first," he says.

"I don't think we've ever had dinner before fucking. It's a really weird timing, isn't it? If dinner is like 4-6 pm... who has sex just afterwards?" I ask.

"Normal people, I guess. Ron, we are not people to speak about what others do. I don't think I've been out in three months, nor have I woken up before midday," he says.

"Okay, true. Other people's dinner time is lunch," I say.

"And that's why I love you," Harry says.

"The fact i eat lunch at dinner times?" I ask.

"Sort of. I love you because you don't get annoyed with my fucked up lifestyle," Harry says.

He kisses me.

"I couldn't get annoyed, I'm the one that made you into a night person," I say.

He smiles at me.

"Well... lets go," I say.

Harry has been avoiding going out, just because of how guilty he feels. These are really big steps for him but I know he can do it.

"Yeah... lets go," Harry says.

He opens the door. I smile at him and get out with him.

"Are we going to your family's right now or-?" He asks.

He is trying to avoid looking at me in the eye.

"Sure," I say, smiling.

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