Sure?~Bunny (South Park.)

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Chemistry is now my favourite class. Don't argue with me, chemistry is the best thing in life.
Warnings: Smut because somebody asked and I give the people what they want (Unlike SOMEONE... wait, she doesn't even read this. Fuck it.). This has Cursing because like always, I curse too much. (Also, I'm so bad at writing smut, I always have a long ass plot and I'm sorry about that. And then my smut is shit and nobody had any reason to read it.)
Ages: 18 both.
Butters'/Leopold's POV.

"Hi Ken," I say, opening the door.

He waves, I let him in.

"It's raining! Why did you-?" I ask.

He laughs.

"It's a long story. Let's just say my mom and dad got really fucking mad when they found out what I'm going to be doing with my life. 'But Kenny, you can't write a book. Do you really want to risk your whole life rather than trying to do a stable job?'," Kenny says.

"Oh... I'm sorry that happened but... aren't they just trying to be helpful?" I ask.

"Sure! They can be helpful just when they learn there is a possibility I won't be able to support them! If I had to guess, this is because Kevin immediately got married and had fucking kids when he got a job, so he didn't have to support the little fucks," Kenny says.

"Fuck, I'm speaking a lot," he says.

I nod.

"I mean... it's completely fine... you can speak as much as you want. You're clearly just angry," I say.

"I'm not angry, Butterfly. I'm mainly very fucking frustrated. Don't parents normally support their kids choices?" Kenny asks.

"I don't know... I think so? I'm really not the best person to ask, mom and dad were never really the supportive type. If I tell them that I want to do something, they'll list off the ways I can mess that thing up," I say.

"I completely forgot what fucking assholes your parents are," Kenny says.

"I... well... I wouldn't call them that. I have a stable home at least. That counts as something," I say.

"Even if it counts, it shouldn't be something you have to say. You're basically saying, 'Well, they do the bare minimum a parent should do.'," Kenny says.

"But that's just it. I haven't got much to say. I've always had food on the table and I had the basic rights a child is allowed. I have absolutely nothing to say about the issue. If I don't like the way I was raised, at least nothing violated human rights," I say.

"You are not being fucking serious. Are you?" Kenny asks.

"I'm as serious as it gets," I say.

"You deserve the fucking world, Butterfly! Yet you got nothing! Your mom tried to fucking kill you. If that's not a human rights violation I don't know what is!" Kenny says

"That's... incredibly kind of you. Nobody... nobody has ever said something so kind to me, not where it's actually believable," I say.

Kenny takes a deep breath.

"I always thought that you were fucking awesome," he says.

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