Doctor jokes~K2 (South Park.)

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199th chapter! HOLY JESUS CHRIST! Also get the kids, Jesus, Karen's being a bitch!
Warnings: Definitely corny jokes.
Ages: 30? Can you be finished at 30?!?
Note: AUing Kyle as a doctor. And these jokes as definitely not mine most of the time. And yet another thing, my mum was a doctor AND an alcoholic as well as someone who didn't have time for me so that's why my worry about ever getting together with a doctor is shining through.
Kenny's POV.

"Hey, Kyle."

Kyle, for once, isn't working in his little free time. I'm going to annoy the shit out of him.


"A doctor says: 'Good morning, mrs Smith. We've just gotten the results for your pregnancy test. There are good news for you'."

"Why didn't mrs. Smith do a test at home?"

I roll my eyes.

"Smith answers: 'Doctor, I'm a miss.'"

"Ooooooh, Just had one a few days back."

I sigh.

"Let me finish my damn jokes!"

Kyle rolls his eyes.

"Okay, I'll let you finish the next one."

I sigh.

"There was this beautiful nurse named Virginia."

Kyle nods, he hasn't heard this.

"She was  called Virgin..... not for long though."

Kyle chuckles a little, pretending to be disgusted.

"Okay, you'll like the next one."

"I know what book these are from. I'm just surprised you have a copy of a book from 1985."

"Shut and listen."

Kyle nods.

"At an anatomy lecture, the lecturer asked as to where in the female genitalia they had stopped."

Kyle nods.

"'At the vagina, sir.'"

"Oh no. Don't tell me."

"'That's right, ma'am. Today, we're going into it.'"

Kyle chuckles again, looking ashamed of himself for doing so.

"What's sex?"

"You know what it—."

"It's the most fun times you can have without laughing."

Kyle takes two seconds.

"That book has some WEIRD shit."

I nod, trying to remember an another one.

"Father says to his son whose going out on a date; 'Son, if you are not in bed by 11 o'clock, COME HOME.'"

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