I get jealous...3/4~Style (South Park.

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Warnings: I ruined Kyle's character by giving in and making him a yandere (which my kind little bean is not!), kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome (where else would this go? If it's dark, at least let it be really fucking dark. Plus, Style in the title, it needs to turn into fucked up Style) and cursing but at this point, Cursing is nothing bad. (I AM NOT MAKING THIS AS NORMAL AND CASUAL AS I NORMALLY DO, THIS IS IN NO WAY MEANT TO BE A WAY TO SHOW SOMEONE 'LOVE'.)
Ages: I am skipping time quite a lot. But Kyle, in oldest, is 19 and Stan almost 19.
Stan's POV.

Kyle comes in, smiling at me.

"How long has it been?" I ask.

"Two weeks," Kyle says.

"Has anyone... been worried?" I ask.

"No, I took care of your schoolwork and your parents obviously think you're trying to 'spread your wings'," Kyle says.

"Oh," I say.

"You've got me," he says.

He pushes me some food.

"Thank you," I say.

He smiles at me.

"Don't worry about it," he says.

~Time skip of maybe three months. Normally it's a lot faster, according to research. Human brain is fucking fascinating.~

"Why-why are you doing this?" I ask.

He gives me food before sitting down. I thank him.

"You know, I know I'm not quite here in the head," he says.

I look at him.

"It felt so different when I fell for you. I was fucking insane before but now I wanted you to myself... I feel really bad," he says.

"Hey, it's going to be fine," I say.

"Oh, if I say 'I murdered people and kidnapped my best friend' I wouldn't exactly 'get help'," Kyle says.

"I...I mean," I say.

"I really feel like a fucking mess. You know?" He asks.

"It's... not that bad," I say.

"I just... I know how wrong this is. I know how wrong it is to make everyone forget you, to make them act like you don't exist, they're forgetting you and I don't know if I'm okay with that," he says.

"Forgetting me? Already?" I ask.

He nods.

"Nobody is talking about you, asking about you, nothing. You haven't gotten texts. I guess I'm the only one that hasn't forgotten you," he says.

"Really?" I ask.

He nods.

"I'm scared of going to jail, I'm scared of you leaving me... but I know having you tied up is not good for you," he says.

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