Time to die~ South Park.

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Yes, I am ready for the people that are going to be super mad at this. This is a super duper old thing I changed around a bit. By the way, caffeinetea , you are not going to remember this but we talked about it a while back. This is not the same thing anymore but this is the closest thing to get to it.
Warnings: Suicide and cursing.
Ages: Youngest shown is probably Karen? Which I place at 14? I think. This isn't a ship thing.

"After a huge rise in suicide rates, researchers have found this to be caused by a new illness, simply named Paz4 for the time being. Effective towards almost everyone, this illness is hard to avoid and will leave NOBODY alive."

The air blows as he jumps, the people below follow the falling down are all in shock.

"Paz has reached South Park," Wendy concludes, looking down at the blonde boys body.

"What are we going to do?" Kenny asks.

"Another one coming down," Craig points out, pointing up.

The girl falls down without a single glance back.

"This is not normal," Kyle states, turning the girl around to look up, maybe out of respect of sorts.

"No," Kenny says.

He takes the girl into his arms, holding his sisters dead body.

"Where's Stan?" Kyle asks, looking around.

"Coming down," Craig points out.

"The adults killed themselves already! What hope do we have?" Wendy asks.

"I-I guess," Kyle says.

Kenny shakes his head.

"Don't even think of it! I'm not losing anyone else," Kenny says.

"Another one com-shit," Craig says.

His sister falls flat on the ground. It's like raining after that, body after body, almost like simple rain drops.

"What is this?" Kyle asks.

"Paz4. They named it. Didn't they?" Kenny asks.

"No but... what the hell is this? What kind of illness is this for everyone to die within minutes of each other?" Kyle asks.

"Where's Tweek?" Nichole asks.

"Craig is missing as well," Kenny points out.

"Well, they're probably dead," Kyle says.

"This is horrible. What the hell is going on?" Wendy asks.

Phones all around go off, Kyle being the fastest to open it.

"As of now, Paz4 has reached all of the world. Now we just either die under the influence of this or kill ourselves other ways. For the last time, signing off, your local news."

"We're infected as well?" Token asks.

"Most likely, we wouldn't particularly know it," Wendy says.

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