I made it, i'm sorry. 1/2~ Mess of ships (South Park.)

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For satire reasons, I will be making the most stereotypical Uke's and seme's just cause I can and I will. So. We are having a great time with Style and Bunny (you know mainstream uke's. Meaning Kyle and Butters.). My life is terrible right now. Why I do this?
Warnings: Smut, cursing and stereotyping really hard... (by the way, everything is played out for satire. Every chapter includes a cliche story for the ship. Abuse or other things are not what I like to write, it's just me putting elements I personally don't like if they're not written well and putting them together with my terrible writing style..)
Ages: 16 all.
Leo's POV.

"Dad no!" I say.

He stops for a moment.

"Leave my house, now!" He yells.

I run out of the house, crying. I'm so alone... why does nobody love me?

"Hey Buttercup," Kenny says.

I jump at him and hug him. I love him so much but don't know how to say it to him.

"Sh. It's going to be okay," Kenny says.

"My dad kicked me out!" I say.

"I'm going to fucking kill him!" He says.

"Please... don't," I say.

He smiles at me.

"Okay then, Buttercup," he says.

I hang onto him for safety. I suddenly realize that I had to meet up with Mysterion tonight because he has to stop me again.

"Sorry Ken. I have somewhere to be," I say.

"I-Oh, so do I," He says.

I turn to leave.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asks.

"Yes. Now, I have to run," I say.

~Time skip to when they're at Professor chaos' place because this is a plot point I keep seeing.~

"Mysterion, I see you've shown up," I say.

"Hey," He says.

"Still don't want to talk much, eh?" I ask.

"Have you upgraded the lab?" Mysterion asks.

"Yes, in fact, i have," i say.

After a while, we finally start fighting.

"Come on the good side, Chaos. We could use the hand," Mysterion says.

"Every story needs the villain," I say.

"That doesn't have to be you!" He says.

"Wrong again," I say.

We continue fighting until ending it in a tie.

"You won't get away with this, Chaos," he says.

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