Night sucker part 2~ Stylenny (South Park.)

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Warnings: You might want to check the first one over... just the warning...
Ages: Old enough. Mainly because I cannot pinpoint the age of Kenny for the life of me. I cannot even keep up his speaking style. Which annoys me.
Kyle's POV.

"I see you've awoken. Quite the dramatic timing," a voice says.

I open my eyes, staring up at the ceiling. Which is certainly not the one I have at home... where the FUCK am I?

"Welcome to my home, gentleman. I'm afraid I don't have anything to offer you but you won't be needing food or drinks as far as I know," the same voice says.

"Wait. Why the fuck am I not breathing?" I ask.

I put my hand to my heart... no beat.

"Oh. I forgot. You won't be needing to do anything of the sort of breathing anymore," he says.

I turn my head. The sigh is absolutely terrifying. A man with blonde hair, blue eyes, full of blood. His lips even have some on them.

"You killed someone?" I ask.

I back away, looking for an escape.

"Yes. Many actually," he says.

"W-What do you mean? Are you 'the night killer' as they call it?" I ask.

"No. I'm one of them, yes. But... far less... active... than the rest. I don't find as much of an urgency to kill someone and suck them off, yes, I know how hilarious that sounds. Now tell me your name," he says.

"You're a fucking killer. Why would I-?" I ask.

"You have a lot of reasons. But first. Do you feel any different? Maybe it's your vision clouding up? Or maybe it's something else?" He asks.

"I-I don't know what you mean by that," I say.

"You have to trust me. Look at your forearm," he states.

I look at it, seeing two, very deep, looking holes.

"Would you tell me your name? I'll explain straight after," he says.

"I'm... Matt," I lie.

"I know you're lying. Real name," he says.

"Kyle, my name is Kyle," I say.

His face looks like he remembers something.

"Oh, oh, OH. So that's why I knew you!" He says.

"You promised to explain. What the hell did you stab me with?" I ask.

"I bit you, never stabbed. I have standards! And I don't go around stabbing people, that'd be incredibly stupid of me," he says.

"Nice try but nobody has teeth this sharp," I say.

He smirks, while putting his upper teeth out, showing clearly very sharp teeth.

"What the fuck? Those look like dog teeth," I say.

"Dog? Really? I'm a creature of the night, not a spaniel. What do you take me for?" He asks.

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