After the incident~Staig (South Park.)

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Warnings: Based on my granny's memory. Cursing.
Ages: 21.
Craig's POV.

"Don't. I'll open it for you."

Oh is this really what I get from being in an accident? I get treated like a child. Fucking Trucker, should've watched out instead of watching his phone and driving to the sidewalk. He's happy I might be able to move my leg after going through a lot of shit.

"I really don't need it."

Stan laughs and helps me in, putting his bag against the wall. Fucks sake.

"So! Welcome back home!"

I roll my eyes and sit down. He nods.

It was funny really, I was expecting that to be Tweek, Clyde, Token... hell, Jimmy could help me out. If they were busy, maybe Lola or Nichole.

But no, Stan stepped up to the task. He was the first to show up at the hospital after the incident and he took the task of helping me out.

I wasn't expecting him to mean that he would actually do it. Felt weird to think of that possibility, he actually decided to do it. He got up and did it, without a second thought. It felt weird to think he would, we've never had the warmest relationship.

"Hey.... thanks."

He turns his head and smiles.

"Don't worry about it, Craig, I'm always doing these things."

He closes his phone with a long sigh.

"You're not exactly doing this from the goodness of your heart. I can see what you're doing."

He nods.

"I just-look, I just needed to get away from her for a bit to figure out what the fuck to do."

"What's the problem?"

"I caught her again. Fucking again. Guy's barely 18 and he talks about marrying her."


"Oh yeah. We got into a fight and I said some pretty awful shit."

"What did you say?"

"'Is this one enough or will you start clinging to the next fucking child you can catch? Is the next one ten or something?'"

"It wasn't that bad."

"Well she threw a fucking fit. I started staying with Wendy for a while but she started tormenting Wendy so I had to fuck off. Stayed with Kyle and when I heard about this, I thought I could help and get the fuck away from her. Just for a moment to make fucking sure of what I do."

I nod, as we both quiet down.

"You did right."

"I guess. I just don't know if I'm breaking up with her or not."

"I'm not an expert but I believe you should... unless you're fine with someone fucking someone else."

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