Three kinks and a vanilla~ Stulenny (South Park.)

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No smut now I'm afraid, some just pointed out that with my description of the characters, three are kinky little shits and Stan is a lonely vanilla and joked about it and now I thought about making this about it. I will make smut of this someday soon. Also, I haven't slept a minute, it's currently 8 something am (mostly nine when I finish this because unlike I feel everyone else, nobody checks my grammar so I do it myself and still have terrible grammar.) So yeah, lets go.
Warnings: cursing and talk about sex, quite a lot of talk about sex.
Ages: 24 ALL.
Stan's POV.

"Dude. Do you know what I noticed-?" Kyle asks.

"No," I say.

"All three of us are kinky little shits and then there is you," Kyle says.

"Look. I don't make fun of you for being kinky, you don't make fun of me for being vanilla," I say.

"I know but it's so hilarious in my opinion that I had to say it," Kyle says.

"That reminds me of the time we tried to help Stan learn his kinks and failed completely," Kenny says.

"Nope, we are not talking about that!" Leo yells from the kitchen.

"Oh come on. It was somehow cute. Not really cute but like, sort of," I say.

"We tried everything but nothing, fucking nothing," Kyle says.

I smile at him.

"It's really weird to hear you because of the walls," I say.

"Oh shit. Abort mission, he hears it," Kenny says.

I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"I wish you would. How the fuck can you be so loud?" I ask.

"My fault," Butters says.

"Might be mine," Kyle says.

Kenny keeps his mouth shut.

"I don't make noise," Kenny says.

"Bull-shit," Kyle says, clapping between 'bull' and 'shit'.

"No it's not," Kenny says.

"You're as loud as anyone!" Butters says.

"No I'm not! I'm pretty quiet," Kenny says.

"Yeah. Like, against me or Stan. But you cannot say that you make less noise than Leo," Kyle says.

"I mean, yeah, but still. I'm not loud. I'm actually on the quiet side of people," Kenny says.

"Have you tested or something?" Leo asks.

"I've fucked enough people to count as proper research," Kenny says.

Kyle rolls his eyes.

"Sorry if you feel left out, nobody here means it," he says.

"I know," I say.

He smiles at me before closing his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"It's kind of weird. The rest of us all have diagnoses for sex addiction and we are the kinky ones. Is there something going on here?" Kyle asks.

"I don't think you're a sex addict. Do you know what it means?" I ask.

"Yeah. I do. But official diagnosis," Kyle says.

"Look. Thinking about sex makes no one else's life harder than Kenny's. He is the only sex addict out of us, not you or Butter," I say.

"Why do people talk about it so much anyway?" Kenny asks.

"It shouldn't be taken lightly. A sex addicts life gets absorbed by the thought of sex. It is a harm to their daily life. I mean, as stupid as it sounds, it's as harmful as any other addiction," I say.

"I honestly do not think about sex enough to be a sex addict," Butters says.

"That's because by all logic, you're not a sex addict. You can think about other things as more as a background thought. It's a serious thing that could only be linked to Kenny, not any one of you," I say.

"Look. That's so uncalled for and stupid of you. I have a personality, I'm not 2 dimensional. I'm a person, not someone that lives and breaths sex. I mean, I think about food. And you guys, and my book. And I think about what I'm supposed to do with my next book. Sure, I have a lot of thoughts about it but I can survive just well without having sex for weeks," Kenny says.

"Okay. I know you think about other things as well, I just said you're the closest thing we have to a sex addict. Kyle nor Butters have the symptoms," I say.

"Why the fuck do you know so much about sex addiction?" Kyle asks.

"Look. When people say that they have been told by a doctor that they have something, I look into it and how to support a person with that thing. Because I just think about you guys and want to be a support no matter what happens," I say.

Kyle smiles.

"That's so nice," he says.

"You know I do it. When you had the fucking tumor or was it fucking cancer, I don't remember. I went all out on keeping you alive. Dude, you've seen what kind of insanity I go into if my friend is in trouble, of course my boyfriends are the same," I say.

He hugs me.

"I never say how glad I am for having you here, Vanilla boy," he says.

"Is that my nickname now? Vanilla boy?" I ask.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" Kenny asks.

"Of course not. I like it. You just come on with a new nickname before I can get to used to one," I say.

"No can do. We love you enough to have like 600 nicknames for you," Butters says.

"I love you all, to pieces," I say.

"Wow, that is a lot of love," Kyle says.

I laugh. Butters comes to us and forces all of us into a hug.

"I love all of you," he says.

I kiss his forehead.

"I love you all as well" I say.

"Yeah, me too," Kyle says.

"Hm. Do I? Of course I do! I love all of you," Kenny says.

I smile at him and kiss his forehead before kissing Kyle's. Butters then kisses mine, then Kyle and lastly, Kenny.

"It takes forever to do this," I say.

"Yeah but it's worth it," Kyle says.

I smile at them.

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