Oh hi~Stylenny (South Park.)

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Badass Kyle as a test for Kyman, in which I'd try redeeming Eric and making Kyle a badass.
Warnings: Sexual context (I try), cursing and just telling you, good person whose a badass might be the only thing I could consider something like a plus, so, this is going to sound sort of thirsty. Which means it's shit.
Ages: 17 all.
Kyle's POV.

I take my headphones out of my ears, seeing the familiarity of South Park before me. When the bus stops, I get up and leave.

"Oh hi," I say.

There is a moment of silence from both Kenny and Stan, they're both just shocked.

"What the hell happened to you?" Stan asks.

I laugh.

"The jacket? I'm sorry, it was always like Autumn weather so I thought it would be fun," I say.

"I have a lot more questions than what the hell that jacket is," Kenny says.

"Oh, he talks now?" I ask.

I laugh.

"Don't take it personally. I just remember you as a silent dude," I say.

"I just... when?" Stan asks.

I roll my eyes.

"If I knew what you were referring to, I would answer. But I don't so I can shut the fuck up," I say.

"Your attitude is... different," Kenny says.

"What? Don't like it, pretty boy?" I ask.

"If Jersey is going to do that to me, sign me the fuck up," Kenny tells Stan.

I laugh.

"Nah, it's probably more than that," I say.

"It's definitely Jersey," Stan says.

I laugh again.

"Maybe. Or made it's because I don't want my hair on my face when I'm on my bike," I say.

"I didn't know you can even ride a bike," Stan says.

"Oh no no no. I can't, I wish I could but I can't cycle for shit," I say.

"Why have a bike if-?" Stan asks.

"Oh you thought. No, Stan, don't be an idiot. I mean like a motorcycle," I say.

"You can drive a motorcycle? Who are you?" Stan asks.

I roll my eyes.

"I just honestly wanted a way to get to school easier," I say.

"You're too gorgeous but I'll ask anyway... are you single?" Kenny asks.

"The fuck?" Stan asks.

"Aw," I say.

I smile at Kenny.

"Yeah, single," I say.

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