Today~Tyde (South Park.)

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I can promise that I'll still try to make 4 to 7 chapters (on average) for a week. But I might make lets say eight due to a busy week in school or something.
Warnings: I tried to do fluff... don't laugh at it too much. I know I can't write fluff for the life of me. And I tried to not swear, which might be the biggest achievement in my life.
Ages: 21 both. (Twenty years olds deserve as much love as a sixteen years old. Everyone deserves love... MOST people deserve love.)
Token's Point of view.


I smile at Clyde. He smiles back before getting up as well.

"It's January 11th today," I say.

"Oh. Do you want to tell me the weather as well?" Clyde asks.

I roll my eyes.

"You know what's going on today," I say.

"Not really," Clyde says.

"I am offended!" I say, faking hurt.

"I'm not stupid. Of course I know that this is our anniversary. How stupid do you think I am, Token?" Clyde asks.

"To be honest, with your record of forgetting important dates, I would not be surprised," I say.

"What important dates have I forgotten? Okay, I may have forgotten mom's death day and forgotten what time Tweek and Craig were going to get married but come on, that's two dates. And only one of them is really important to me," Clyde says.

"You didn't even remember what day it was until I told you to get your ass over there," I say.

"Craig's and Tweek's wedding? I... that might be the case. I was absolutely bored out of my mind by the end of it. I could've gone around, maybe with Kenny. But no. You had to tell us both to come," Clyde says.

"It was your best friends wedding! You were supposed to stand by him and calm him down if he got stressed!" I say.

"Token, it was Craig. I have never seen Craig freak out in front of people, he is a rock when people stare at him. And of course, he didn't break down. Unlike... no offense to Tweek but he had a proper freak out," Clyde says.

"I don't think that would really offend him. He is really hard to actually make offended. Freak out, yes. You just have to say that North Korea and America are trying to talk again, he'll go off the walls in utter fear," I say.

"Is it a little wrong to be speaking about him when he is not here?" Clyde asks.

"Maybe a little. Wanna grab breakfast?" I ask.

"How early did you wake me up?" Clyde asks.

I look at my phone.

"2 pm," I say.

"Oh okay. I actually got scared you woke me up in the morning," Clyde says.

"Clyde. Why would I want to get up in the morning on a Saturday? I have no reason," I say.

"But yeah, lets get breakfast," Clyde says.

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