Would you just~Bendy (South Park.)

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I am so fucking over this.
Warnings: Cursing, a bit of a familiar dominance level difference going on. I didn't want to make it like that, I sort of just gave up and decided that 'Fuck it, I'm in a hurry' is the right reaction. (Also, Stan's Half-British here.)
Ages: 16 both.
Extra: I see this as the prequel to the 'Call' one. I don't know why I decided this was it.
Bebe's POV.

"Hi Wends," I say.

She smiles at me.

"So how has the first week of summer been?" I ask.

She laughs.

"Stan and I broke up, Kyle is furious with me and Kenny hasn't talked to me in like a week, although that could be expected, we only talk on the occasion. But he was being so nice at the 'end of the year' party thingy. So it feels pretty weird," Wendy says.

"Kenny's been hanging with Stan a lot. I haven't seen him much and that's saying a lot. I am his best friend after Karen and Kevin. But from what i see, he thinks you're so fucking awesome. If you broke up with Stan, that might give you less points to be honest," I say, laughing.

Wendy laughs.

"I broke up with him a couple of times. Does that mean I automatically did this time?" Wendy asks.

"Ooh. Tell me all about that," I say.

"This time, Stan was the one to bring it up. He said he wanted to stay friends but also said that he is going to retake all the test this week and really wanted to focus on the grades now, he's having a hard test after as a like 'was your success actually you doing it'," Wendy says.

"What? Really? Stan, retaking the tests of the year?" I ask.

"He got a last chance for his dream school. Honestly, considering Carrison and how he was our teacher for years, I could say he had the right to a second chance," Wendy says.

"Where is he trying out again? Teaching where?" I ask.

"A collage in Britain," Wendy says.

I laugh.

"England? Why the fuck?" I ask.

"Britain. People insist it's a big difference. Anyway, he has a lot of British family and wanted to go somewhere where he could meet up them fairly consistently," Wendy says.

"What about Kyle and Kenny and everyone else?" I ask.

"His word, not mine. 'I don't fucking sleep, it's not going to be hard at all'. Dude, Stan, it doesn't work like that. People get broken apart by distance if they're not used to it," Wendy says.

I nod.

"He is calling it really easy to, maybe, for the next 12 years of his life have time to pull an all nighter per person. Who the fuck thinks that?" I ask.

She laughs.

"Hey, Bebe, I'm going to Finland for more than half of the time I've been alive. You fine with that?" She asks.

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