What happened?~Stylenny? K2? Style? Stenny? (South Park)

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It's a bit hard to place what this is, is it Stylenny or K2 or even Style or Stenny. I bit different.
Warnings: DEPRESSING AS FUCK and cursing.
Ages: 19... both? All?
Kyle's POV.

I sit on the bed.

"H-Hey," Kenny says.

He is looking at me like I'm a miracle.

"Same thing again?" I ask.

He nods, sitting next to me on the bed. I take a hold of him.

"Hey hey, Stan wouldn't want you crying because of it, not all the time," I say.

He, very softly, says,

"I miss him, tons."

"I know, I do too. But Kenny missing someone doesn't bring them back. I'd give anything to hear him again, to tell him it wasn't a good idea to go outside. But then again, he would have gone no matter, he was way too determined for his own good," I say, chocking back the tears.

"We didn't know," he says.

"I should've known something would happen to him, I swear to God, I don't want to blame anyone but I do. He's dead, Stan's dead and when you're dead, you don't come back. You-you're an asshole and never come back again," I say.

Kenny is crying.

"Stop," He says.

I kiss his forehead.

"Do you want me to stay with you for the night or-?" I ask.

He nods.

"I keep getting nightmares, knowing he suffered before he did die is not good for me," he says.

I nod.

"I know, I was kind of scared it was going to be bad for your mental health, I even thought about asking you out of the room when they told us. I should have told you to wait outside for me," I say.

I take a deep breath.

"But we seriously can't stay on this forever," I say.

"He was 18, Kyle. He was 18 when he died. He-he didn't even get the possibility to stay his life before it was taken from him," Kenny says.

"Stop. Right now, you need to sleep, we can't talk about this if it's really causing you to go into a terrible condition," I say.

He smiles at me.

"He kept almost dying. Didn't he?" Kenny asks.

"What did I just tell you, Ken? I just said that this was effecting your sleeping too negatively. We are not talking about Stan late into the evening ever again," I say.

I kiss him.

"He's gone, we have to live with that fact," I say.

Kenny sighs.

"It's a bit harder when you know that this wasn't the only time he has-," Kenny says.

"If you utter one word about your multiple universe shit I will drop you on the street half naked for six days straight," I say.

He laughs slightly. That's an accomplishment.

"It's his first death day in three days," Kenny says.

"Kenny, please, in the morning. You don't have the mental health to remember Stan at night, it clearly makes your mental health worsen, it's not good for you," i say.

I take a deep breath.

"Stan is not alive, you are. You cannot go into this shitty shell and pretend you're dead. You are supposed to try to move on. It's so fucking hard but Stan would not want you going to shit from the memory of him. He wanted to be remembered for the... for the good times in our life's. Stan always said he didn't want to be remembered for his death, rather the time he was alive. Remember how we'd go down the hill on our asses and get wet from the waist down and you'd say some joke about it so Stan could roll his eyes and call us things? That's what you should remember! Not how he got hit by a fucking truck, that's not all he was. You didn't fall in love him because he got hit by a car and later went into a hospital. Both of us fell for the person he was. How he would laugh about our stupidly perverted shit while silently cursing our annoying asses. That's our Stan, not a body," I say.

He nods.

"We are getting you into some damn help. I promise. We'll find you someone you can speak to, whose a professional. I can only do that much for you but a professional knows what to do," I say.

He kisses me.

"Thanks," He says.

I fall on my bed, making space for him. He falls on it as well, facing me.

"You know when I was younger I feared the dark. My mom would help me out by singing this one song," I say.

He laughs.

"No I'm not kidding. It helped me get over it. She did the same thing whenever I got sad about my grandma being dead. It's, admittedly, not the same thing but I just thought that some people have weird ways to cope with their losses," I say.

Kenny nods. I starts humming the song, although admittedly I'm not good.

"Maybe you find one?" I ask.

He opens his eyes.

"Yeah," he says.

I kiss his forehead again, he closes his eyes and after not long at all, he is asleep. Poor little thing, Stan really left him when he died. I mean, he did leave everyone but poor Kenny isn't used to losing so many people, he isn't even used to loss. I mean, I know Stan didn't mean to die but man, he couldn't have died at a shittier time.

"Goodnight," I whisper to Kenny before closing my eyes.


Song up there. My ma used to sing that very song to me. I have terrible nightmares (a lot worse as a kid) and my ma dealt with it with that song because of a line I love.

'Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta mitä ikinä keksitkin pelätä'

It means.

'I protect you from everything you could ever think of fearing'.

The song has stayed with me for years for that line and the memory of my mother. I guess.... I guess I felt like sharing that.


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