Project~Cryle (South Park.)

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Because I just felt like writing something like this.
Warnings: Cursing and lots of arguing. I'm also pretty sure this might sound sort of like a bad relationship. Trust me, I am just super pissed and am putting that on a page.
Ages: 16 both.
Kyle's POV.

"Okay. Groups of four," the teacher says.

I, very lazily, turn to Kenny and Stan.

"Whose fourth?" I ask.

Tweek sits next to Kenny.

"Hey there," Kenny says.

"Gaaay," Stan says, laughing.

"You have a boyfriend as well you fuck," I say.

"Yeah. But I don't do everything with Token," Stan says.

Kenny rolls his eyes.

"Really now? Really?" Kenny asks.

"Okay. Now one from each group, go into an another group," the teacher says.

I stand up. Quickly, Leo and Bebe change places.

"Kyle, Token, change groups," the teacher says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Come on, Kyle," the teacher says.

I take my bag.

"Good luck with Craig," Kenny says, chuckling.

I take a long sigh before going to Jimmy, Clyde and the fucking asshole himself.

"Oh hey," I say, sitting between Jimmy and Clyde.

"Hi," Craig says, almost venomously.

"Well... lets get this over with then," I say.

Craig looks at Clyde.

"Everyone. I'll be giving you the subject," the teacher says.

"How about how much I hate him?" Craig asks, pointing to me.

"Oh really now? Do you? As far as I know, you have no reason to," I say.

"I have more reasons than you, that's for sure," Craig says.

"Oooh. You are blaming it on me now? Wow. I thought you could own up to your own actions!" I say.

"What is going on here?!" The teacher yells.

Stan raises his hand.

"Please explain," the teacher says.

"Those two were dating and they didn't have such a good fallout," Stan says.

I laugh.

"That's an understatement for what this fucker did," I say.

"I didn't do anything!" Craig says.

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