Night sucker Part 1~Stylenny (South Park.)

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And this is a new way of one shots i found very interesting. Many part to one oneshot that do not have a rewarding ending on their own. I found this from caffeinetea although she manages to make it interesting. Which I doubt I can do.
A little background for this 'oneshot', if I may. First of all, this is, not a thing that I even try to fit cannon into. Lets get on with explaining this, shall we? Since I was a young little thing, legends and myths have always been a bit of an obsession of mine. Along with Space, maybe my only obsession. And this is, without a singular doubt, one of the most well know myths... blood suckers, which in modern society are know as Vampires. I stand with my opinion that literature nor film can make these creatures have... quite the light they utterly deserve. And as such, I am here to... have many different myths combined into a singular, certainly poorly executed, piece of not quite literature.
Warnings: I shall remind you that the legend of the creatures of the night is more violent than one might know, depending on which piece of information one relies on. I may also remind you that this is a fanfiction, meaning surely I can be allowed my... not so suitable for children... content. As well as the words you would never use in the presence of somebody like a 5 years old.
Ages: Remember the, maybe most prominent part of, the legend? Lets just say that everyone here is at the age that they can do anything the story needs them to.
Kenneth's Point of view (Never trust what one... sees.)

The all the familiar sent fill the air, with the silence of the streets, this would be the perfect opportunity. And as pitiful as I am, not able to hurt a fly unless it's need it... quite badly, it somehow always seems to almost make me dizzy, when the familiar sent of iron fills the air. Sometimes I can tell that this someone is ill, this one... no, this one is perfectly healthy.

The smell almost seems to be getting closer... which, in this state of mine, is not good for this poor naive creature. However, the steps almost seem very hesitant. Does he know where I am? That would not be a good way to go about it, at all... has this poor thing not heard of the legend of the nightly beasts? Or is he one of science? Those always come and investigate before backing down. Do they not know what happens? Surely they'd stop when one after another, they must keep burying men and women so stupid as to walk straight towards the evil faces of 'Cannibals' as they call us? However, our thirst is no fault of ours while these cannibals results to it in a completely different way, a sickening way in the opinion of those that have yet to let their thirst control their being, their feeling.

The sent is far too strong now, I haven't bit one in weeks. Sure, cows and such have blood but the search for them when their blood is a lot less filling than humans... it tires one out far worse than it should. And the absolute need for blood is... far greater than the want to kill.. less humans. And the fact the smell is so terrifyingly enticing does not help the small part that remains human through all this.

I know I don't want to but the urge to do it is clouding my judgment to a degree it hurts to keep thinking, it's not good, it feels terrible.

I'm sure the obsession will take over if he doesn't turn around, now. And I do not want the monster to take over, even if it smells so good. Even if this could be enough for a week, maybe two. Even three. That would result in the possibility that I could fit in for months and maybe get out of here.

I should do it. Every single part of my body tells me to go for it, every single thought is telling me to do it. Maybe it's better... this person certainly is asking for it... but I shouldn't and I know that. It would come back and guilt me for generations to come.

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