South Park shit. Trump pissed me off

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Look, I erm, I'm doing this, like I said, I don't normally get politics but I won't be fucking erased, not in America, not in Finland, not in this fucking world. If this makes me a liberal to someone, don't get me wrong, my politics translate to middle in America, I don't stand for either side.
Warnings: Did I mention this is about the trans thing? Yeah, it is. So most of my babies are non-binary or trans. And cursing.
Ages: 18 (Yes I'm making this about voting, fucks sake, it's important, everyone fucking matters!)
Also, I'm just gonna say, this is fully inspired by the conversation I had with Hello_Im_Crazy279 (who is such a darling my heart just might explode from the adorable-ness and is so kind and I just don't know how to appreciate having her in my life enough.)
Wendell's POV. (Wendy if someone hasn't seen the trans Wendy. By the way, I use Tea for Trans Tweek, just in case that's not clear enough. Carrie is feminine for Craig for me. Don't ask. I could have done something since Craig literally means R O C K.)

The article stares me in the face,

'President Donald Trump wants gender to be what's in your pants.'

Mr. Garrison.... was trans himself ones? Was he not?

I pick up my phone.

"Hey Wend," Kyle says.

"Hey," I say.

"So. I'm going to assumed you've heard about the orange," Kyle says.

"Yup," I answer.

"Satu, Bebe, Margarine, Ken, Nic, Token, Tea, Carrie, Clyde, Jimmy and I are going out to vote. You coming?" Kyle asks.

"Hell yes I'm coming," I say.

They laugh.

"Come down, we're waiting," They says.

I go down the stairs and leave out the front door. It's really funny, seeing everyone just there, standing next to each other.

"Hey Nic, Bebe!" I say.

Bebe is dedicated enough to have the ally colours in her hair.

"Hello, darlin'," She says.

I kiss her.

"Aw. You're both so cute," Nic says.

They just smile at us.

"So are you," Token says.

He goes to his significant other.

"Let's do this!" Ken says.

They're smiling, admittedly, with worry in their eyes. Poor thing came out just a while ago and is already pushed back if this passes. Bigender is valid and ain't nobody taking that away.

"Don't be too worried," Mari says.

She could be wearing the trans flag and she would be more subtle. White shirt, pink hoodie open and blue jeans.

"I'm trying to not be but...," Ken says.

She gives them a kiss.

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