Helpless~Stendy (South Park).

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This morning is my Hamilton inspired morning.
Warnings: Might come off anti-feminist and cursing.
Ages: 18 for Wendy and 19 for Stan.
Wendy's POV.

"Hey Wen!" Bebe mutters.

I look at her.

"Do I take or do you?" Bebe asks.

I look at who she's pointing at. It's a ginger man. However, the man talking to him is the one that interests me.

"Holy-," I mutter.

The man has black hair and blue eyes. All around he is absolutely beautiful. From face to his damn shoes.

"Yo this one's mine," I say.

Bebe laughs.

"Go on!" She says.

She pushes me to him.

"Hello ma'am," he says.

"Good day sir," I say.

He bows.

"Marsh, Stanley Marsh," he says.

Oh shit. I forgot my name for a slight second.

"Wendy Testaburger," I say.

He looks at some of his friends. A ginger grins and winks at him. A darker man is talking to Nichole and a blonde man walks to Bebe.

"They are my safety net," Stanley says.

I nod.

"You look beautiful," he says.

I look back at him, he has a charming smile. I can't help blushing a bit.

"I... thank you, sir," I say.

He laughs.

"I read a poem ones and you look like the woman described," Stanley says.

"Is that so then?" I ask.

"Hair like the night sky, that's what I see pass by. Smile of an angel. The others I can just cancel. I just can't rhyme when she's there to charm me. She doesn't fit theme. I was supposed to be alone... but I think she's the one," Stanley says, as if the poem was memorised.

"Who wrote it?" I ask.

"I did as you walked to me," he says.

I can't help the giggle.

"I might not be a poet but I think you are very lovely," Stanley says.

"I found it beautiful!" I say, smiling.

"Thank you. But trust me, I am not much for rhyming. Sadly i'm not the man of such," Stanley says.

"I would love to know what you're the man of," I say.

"Just came from a war. I don't know what I'm the man of," Stanley says.

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