Death and birth~Shandy and Stendy? (South Park)

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Now I won't pretend.... this is the weirdest shit I've ever done. But it's still something we need to appreciate and it's way more up my normal alley.
Warnings: Cursing and talk about death. AKA angst, I'll just mention that I'm making this to try to understand someone that I have not so positive feelings about.....
Ages: wait... how old are they... I'll just say 46? I'm kinda going off what I think Sharon is in the show (maybe 35?)
Sharon's POV.

It's as if my world would have stopped moving completely as those words come from the phone,

"Your daughter was involved in a shooting."

How are we so unfortunate? This is the second time one of my children got shot!

"How is she, ma'am?" I ask.

"She passed away, Mrs.Marsh."

I can't help crying, my daughter! My baby!

"I-I," I start.

"I'm so sorry to bring you the news."

"I apologise, I have to-," I say.

"Understandable. She's being held at the hospitals east wing, we will send you an email about further details, I'm so sorry for your loss."

I put the phone down.

"RANDY!" I yell.

My husband comes to me.

"Shelly, she-she's dead," I say.

He seems to take his moment processing it before he drops the class in his hand, ruining the carpet with the red wine, considering the colour being so light, on the carpet.

"Oh no," he mutters.

"She was shot," I say softly.

He looks very surprised for a second.

"That could have happened to Stan back then.......... oh I'm an awful father!" He says.

"That isn't bringing your daughter back!" I say.

I can feel my phone ring and as I open it, I see who it's from.

'If this is my last moment alive, I want to apologise for being a god awful daughter to you and dad, especially as a teenager. Even if all teens are a bit like me (admittedly not to the same level) and all... I'm making this about myself but I think I'm allowed to do so. Also, I'm not saying anything about anything but this most likely is my last try with this message. The room is on lockdown and I've tried doing this 7 times... your net isn't working. I tried Stan, he answered immediately. So if you get this after the news, I'm sorry.'

"Oh thank Goodness, I was scared we had to tell him," Randy says.

I sigh.

"We still should tell him that we know," I say.

I sigh and call, the picking up is almost immediate.

"Sorry, mom, dad, I'm sorry really but I'm allowed this one time of closing the phone," Stan says.


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