Burn~Token x i dont fucking know who i was writing. (South park.)

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Yes Hello_Im_Crazy279 I stole your idea yet again.
Warnings: Cursing and mainly talk about cheating, if nobody knows this is inspired by the song Burn from Hamilton.
Ages: 20 both.
Token's POV.

"Don't!" I bark, venom in my voice as he tries to approach.

"Token.....," he lets out.

"Are you obsessed with throwing everything we had away like it was absolutely nothing?" I ask.

"I knew it was really stupid, I'm sorry," he says.

"Sorry isn't cutting it," I say.

I can feel the tears fall.

"As much as i might wish I didn't, I have some pride! And you just- you throw EVERYTHING we had, you child, our relationship, all of it AWAY like it doesn't matter," I say.

I start crying.

"I can take you being poor, you being without a legacy because what matters is just there! But no! You can't understand that! Fine! I can live with that! But then the moment I'm outside, you go behind my back? That's enough! It's enough! Do I even matter to you or is it for your fucking legacy?" I ask.

"Token, I'm so sorry," he says.

I show him the letter we wrote, years back.

"Tell me honestly! Does anything in these matter to you at fucking all?" I ask.

"Of course," he says, very quietly.

"You have words that work like a goddamn painting, I'll tell you that. You can write a masterpiece, give hope to someone in the darkness," I say.

"I really don't meant to hurt you," he says.

"Don't!" I say again, hearing the steps come even closer.

"You broke my heart! You have broken our family! Explain this to the children when the time comes, how you broke my heart," I say.

"I really am sorry," he lets out.

"Don't try it! Honestly, you're quite literally an Icarus! You flew and flew and it's time you fall into the ocean with your dry wings and your beautiful words, building the most beautiful cities, can drown with you," I say.

"Token.... you know you don't mean," he says.

"Try me," I say, trying to sound as if I wasn't about to burst into tears yet again.

"You've broken my heart one too many times," I say.

The fire I lit is starting to stop burning.

"I'm burning every letter that could have redeemed you," I say.

I drop the first one into the fire.

"You can stand over there and watch, if you want," I say.

He, shamefully, closes his eyes, starting to cry.

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