Maybe this Christmas~Stylenny (South Park.)

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I'm practising my song shot skills. So this is Maybe by Shane Dawson because why not. Honestly, I don't have enough (being sick) to get a full story so I thought I would do this, lyrics will be underlined like most of these do. Let's see, how good this is.
Warnings: Jokes that you might find offensive, cursing and shit like that.
Ages: 16.
Stan's POV.

I get out of my bed and open my curtains, there is a big sign outside a house saying,

'It's Christmastime.'

Oh shit... And Santa is here... oh God.

"He's probably making the children smile... but," I say, leaning outside to see Santa trying desperately to kiss a kid.

"He's just a pedophile," I say, shrugging. It's normal at this point. It's normal to hear 'Santa is a pedophile so you better watch yo child.

There are Christmas trees in every house, covered in shiny lights... but. Personally, I see how shit Christmas trees and lights are. In the case of Christmas trees, they just turn brown and die. Or set your whole house on fire, if there are lights on them. THESE are the reasons I hate the season but i'ma give it a try.

"Stan! Your friends are here!" Mom yells.

"Thanks mom," I yell back.

"See you when your father and I come back," mom says.

Oh yeah, Christmas dinner is a thing.

"Okay!" I yell.

I just throw on the first clothes.

Maybe this year I won't be sad on Christmas. Maybe I'll have a... happy holiday? Like everyone says, 'replace my heartache and my pain
With mistletoe and candy canes.'

This Christmas could go my way!

"Stan! Are you coming down? Kyle is very annoyed that he had to be here!" Kenny yells.

"Am not!" Kyle yells at him.

I laugh, getting down the stairs. I guess it's the time for 'having fun with all your friends' like the optimists say.

"Finally!" Kenny says.

He's immediately at the food. He takes a cup and starts sipping on that eggnog someone in my family for some reason left outside the fridge but fuck it.

"It just like jizz," Kyle says.

"It's literally all over your upper lip," I say.

"What's jizz?" I ask, suddenly realising that I don't know the word.

"Poor little thing. Doesn't know the adult words," Kenny says, laughing.

"Hey, it's not exactly a wide spread word. Half of the world don't probably know it," Kyle says.

I roll my eyes.

"If it's your perverted shit, no thank you," I say.

"Anyway. Isn't it funny that Christmas means most people make  a house out of gingerbread and cookies like Christmas trees?" Kenny asks.

"Christmas, giving you heart disease and type two diabetes since it became a thing," I say.

"Hey! Type two is no fun! Fucking hell," Kyle says.

"Isn't it sort of your fault?" Kenny asks.

"I wasn't five when I got it. Do you really think a kid that age knows shit?" I ask.

"These are the reasons I hate the season, fucking candy everywhere," I say.

"'But i'ma gonna try', right? You try every fucking year. It's okay to not like Christmas," Kenny says.

"Hey! Maybe this year I won't be sad on Christmas. Maybe I'll have a happy holiday and take the optimists up on their 'Replace my heartache and my pain with mistletoe and candy canes'. Thinking about it, this Christmas could go my way. I can try," I say.

They laugh.

"I mean, when I was a kid I thought about in the way of 'I've never seen reindeer fly. I've never heard the sleigh bells ring. Never seen a snowman come to life I've never heard the angels sing. But I hope, and I pray... That maybe this Christmas day, that'll change.' It's the wrong mentality, all that shit doesn't actually exist," I say.

"'Maybe this year I wont be sad on Christmas. Maybe Ill have a happy holiday. Replace my heartache and my pain with mistletoe and candy canes. This Christmas could go my way', Stan, really, I love you but Christmas isn't the biggest thing. I don't particularly like the idea. Maybe it's because of my religion but I don't like Hanukkah either. You don't have to think the bullshit of 'maybe this year I won't be sad on Christmas'. You don't need it, it's not a big thing," Kyle says.

Kenny laughs.

"Maybe. But you know what? I'll have a happy holiday. Doesn't mean I have to replace my heartache and pain," I say.

Kenny laughs and drags me over to the door, getting Kyle there next.

"You know, you could. With a bit of holiday feeling and a mistletoe," he says.

He laughs as Kyle looks up.

"It's just a stupid thing and-," Kyle says.

I kiss him. He kisses me back, thankfully.

"I deserve so many candy canes for doing that," Kenny says.

I laugh and put the radio on.

"I know it's day but... let's dance the night away. I don't know, I wanted to sound cheesy," I say.

I offer Kenny a hand.

"You both should probably know this... this Christmas is going my way," I say.

Kenny laughs, Kyle stays on the side, smiling at us. Kenny goes over to him, gives him a kiss and says something Kyle shakes his head to.

"I don't feel like dancing. You two weirdos can do whatever you want to do though, I'll gladly watch from the side," Kyle says.

He takes his phone and sits on the table.

"The sofa exists... you know... it's just there," I say.

Kyle laughs.

"Don't worry about it too much. I always sit on furniture, my legs are too long for anything else," he says.

"But you always sit next to me?" I ask.

"Out of politeness," he says.

I roll my eyes and turn to Kenny, who kisses me.

"Are we all a thing now or something?" I ask.

"Let's think about it later, for now, just dance with me."

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