Night sucker part 3~Stylenny (South Park.)

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Why nice to see you here!
Warnings: Would you be as kind as to read the first part of this for the warnings?
Ages: Hm... Can one really place down a vampires age?
Stanley's POV.

"Bloody Hell," I whisper, trying to get up.

"Oh. You're awake. Finally. You know this is the second time this week I take someone here because they're bleeding out? Quite the surprising way to meet someone. Don't you think?" A voice asks.

I get my head up, the sudden realisation of the fact THIS IS A BLOODY STRANGER comes to mind, I jump up. Only to take a hold of the nearest object because of the inability to stand.

"Slow down, sir. You lost quite the lot of blood two nights ago, your friend was worried for you," the voice says.

I turn my head. Blonde hair, blue eyes, incredible pale skin... he looks almost malnourished. There is not a single thing to give off the expression that he is alive, no breathing, nothing.

"I-I have to go," I say.

"So hurried already? But you can barely stand. I would very much appreciate it if you realized that losing this much blood does nothing good for you," he says.

"I really really wanna go," I say.

Run run run run! Stan. You know what they told you in school, run into a public place and scream as loud as you can. Get help and tell them everything you need. Fucking move.

"I'm afraid I can't let you move, you would do nothing good to yourself. So be as kind as to get on the bed, Stan," he says.

I sit on the bed... wait, I don't want to. Run! Run as fast as you can!

"Look. I'm afraid I can't let you leave and if you won't stay by your own will, you'll stay here because I forced you to," he says.

He smiles and gets on his knees before me, putting his hands on my legs.

"Name is Kenneth. And something tells me you'll be here for more than a moment, so, you may call me Kenny... or Ken, whichever you may prefer," he says.

"What do I look like? The damn queen?" I ask.

He laughs, shaking his head slightly.

"Not quite. But I feel that I should induce in hospitality, considering why you are here is partly my fault. If anyone is at fault at least," he says.

"Dude, you don't look old enough to talk like that," I say.

"My apologies. Might have gotten lost in time, it has been quite the while from my last companionship that had... any sort of conversation. But may I ask? Why are you being so friendly towards me? I was expecting you to be far more hostile towards me," he says.

"Look, I'm not able to move. Why the fuck would I be aggressive towards you when you clearly have the upper hand here? I'm not smart, like my friend but I know enough from the streets of London that you have to be bloody wankers to try to act hostile towards someone that has planned everything out," I say.

"Kyle wasn't quite as kind towards me, I'm afraid. Called me a cannibal," Kenneth says.

"Why would that be his assumption? Feels far more appropriate to call you a killer, or maybe a kidnapper. Insane even. But what makes him assume that you're a cannibal?" I ask.

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