Games~Stelybunny. (south park)

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Don't question me, I'm weird like this. It's Stylenny x Wendy and Butters. Because I'm just the person to add people.
Warnings: I don't know... cursing? Me pretending to be happy? Don't worry, something a bit darker coming.
Ages: 16 all.
Stan's POV.

"You've got nice legs," Kenny says.

He, laughing, looks at Kyle. Kyle pushes him to me in the bench.

"Hey, this is your problem!" I say.

I push Kenny back but he has his feet on the ground, staying still. When I finally push him, he flies into Kyle, who flies into Wendy... who drops Leo off the bench.

"Hey!" Leo says.

Wendy pushes Kyle.

"It wasn't me! It was Stan!" Kyle says.

I keep my feet on the ground so I don't fly off of the bench. Kenny continues to try to push me off.

"This looks like a game!" Leo says.

Kenny's eyes actually shine at game.

"Kenny no," Kyle says.

"Kenny yes. Come on, this is fun to watch," Leo says.

Kenny laughs and pushes me again. I still keep my feet grounded.

"Not today, dude," I say.

I push him back again, he hits Kyle, who hits Wendy.

"You have really strong legs!" Leo tells me.

I laugh.

"Thank you. I try," I say.

I feel Kenny push me again.

"Not pushing Kyle?" I ask.

I push him away.

"You're more fun anyway," Kenny says.

He start pushing each other until I push him in the wrong direction and he FLIES backwards.

"You okay, dude?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think so," Kenny answers.

"Join me in watching this," Leo says.

Kenny gets up and jumps over the bench.

"You have the butt view!" Kenny says.

"Why did you sit the wrong way around again?" I ask.

"I sat FIRST," Kenny says.

"Whatever you say, man," Kyle says.

He is currently being pushed by Wendy, to not effect.

"Okay, I give up," Wendy says.

Kyle casually slides to me and with barely anything, pushes me off.

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