Wanna go on a date?~Ran (South Park.)

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Thanks Buzzfeed, for telling me where I'll meet my soulmate. Now i'ma use that information for this and make something completely different.
Warnings: Cursing. Also, look forwards to a smut book because I'm a teenager.
Ages: 26.
Note: This week I'll do two, sorry, holiday.
Red's POV.

"So... thank you for coming, it has been such an awesome time tonight! I'm glad to be back in Colorado for you all and happy anybody even showed up."

He smiles one last time.

"But..... like everything great, it has to end. So thank you everyone, for being a lovely audience."

He turns around and walks away towards the rest of us.

"That was awesome!"

"Thanks dude!"

"No, really. Stan, you haven't had that kind of energy in ages!"

"Yeah it's just something about being back home. The world is nice but........... home sweet home, you gotta say that much."

"I understand that. My boyfriend came back two days ago and he won't stop clinging to me."

Stan laughs before looking at me, straight up me in the eye.

"Oh hi! I didn't even realise! Nice to see you again, Red."

I smile.

"Hey Stan."

"How's life? I haven't seen you since high school!"

"I graduated last year actually."

"Oh. What did you read yourself-?"

"I'm an art teacher."

"Oh I never knew you liked art!"

"I didn't until I was 19 and realised 'hey I can draw' and took a year off teacher schooling to do that shit and see a few museums."

"That's awesome!"

He looks at the clock.

"Are you in a hurry? It would be awesome to get you to have a cup of coffee with me to catch up."

"I mean.... no, not really. I have a paint I have to buy but if you can wait that long then-."

"Yeah, of course I can wait."

"Okay. Then I can go."

Stan nods and looks over to somebody.

"I'm gonna get coffee. You okay with that?"

She nods and he turns around.

"Let's go."

Both of us just walk out of the place (after Stan leaves his guitar).

"So.... is Tweek's still up?" He asks.

I laugh.

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