2 August, 2018.

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I woke up by 9AM and left for college. 

Yesterday, Gurtley had asked me if I would be okay with co-ordinating and travelling to college with her everyday. Honestly, it's probably a selfish thought but I prefer to travel on my own. In fact, there are 2 people from my area with whom I can travel but choose not to. Yet, I don't really have that much of a problem so I agreed. 

We reached college by 11:30 and had an accounts lecture for an hour. Since I haven't opted for Tax (because of the non-updated portion and because I felt that I might need a break from numbers), I only had college for an hour. I traveled for more time than the duration of the lecture. Since I have decided not to opt for tuition classes, I need to attend all lectures to understand the subjects well. 

On my way back I finally figured out Twitter's searching old tweets process that I have been trying to figure out since so long! Yay!

I came back home and picked up some garlic and mint leaves from the market on my way. In the evening, I accompanied Alex to help him select a new frame for his specs. We also returned mom's library book back. After coming home, we got a bad news. Amanda got a year back. I was shocked. I hope she is not stressing too much. I wish I could help her but I don't know how to.

An Outlet: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now