31 July, 2018.

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Happy Birthday Mom!

Today I forgot to take my ID card. Normally that would only mean that I won't be able to enter from the back gate and would have to walk about 5-7 mins more to enter from the front gate.

However, things weren't in my favor, were they? Out of all the days, it was only today that they decided to have a new policy of no longer allowing students to enter the college premises if they didn't have their ID cards on them. -.-

I had to wait until Ms.Martha came and gave a warning. It was absolutely necessary if you ask me. I have been in this institution for over three years now. The guards practically know who I am! Well, they don't know know me but they recognize me as a regular student of this institute.

We had our IAPM lecutre today and looks like the professor is finally moving back to his old ways of continuously being distracted and speaking as if he doesn't give a damn about us or the lecture. After he short break, we had to two Accounts lecture where we learn Valuation of Cost and Costing. Honestly it was a bit too much Finance for one day. But I knew this was going to happen when I signed up for this combination of subjects. I'll just have to suck it up and work harder to catch up with my lectures.

In the evening, Alex and I got a cake for my Mom and as a birthday card, I decided to channelize my newly learnt Korean and wrote a birthday song for her in the Hangul. We celebrated her birthday by cutting the cake and then going out for a delicious dinner.

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