8 October 2018.

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So I had my Finance Test in college. I was skeptical of the sum because literally out of 5 adjustments, according to me, the 3 most difficult adjustments just didn't fit in the problem. It was strange because the answer was way too easy. But I went with my gut and ignored those adjustments and turns out I did the right thing! Yay! I'm very happy! I have brains son!

I waited back for Research paper meeting. It's sad that we haven't made much progress but we need to buck up. I saw one of my friends and waited with her. While we were waiting, we met and spoke to this guy in my batch. He used to be bullied in the first year because of his name and I did feel bad for him. In the second grade, I learnt that he is starting with his own tea distribution start up which was pretty good. I was happy that he was not letting the bullying affect his sense of purpose and goals. And today I get to know that this is actually his second start up! He used to have a car wash start up before and he sold his stake to start a new start up! He started investing/ trading at the age of 16! Why are you giving me such complex man!

We met the others and went home. I started with CRM Edx Course today. It's definitely much easier that the Investment course but for some reason I am enthusiastic when I did the latter one than this one. That feels like something I want to learn.. this one I'm not entirely sure about.

For some reason I felt very sleepy after a couple of lectures and went to sleep for a good 3 and a half hours. Then I continued with the course.

I don't think I have mentioned much about KPOP in these past couple of days but recently I have been intrigued by Nu'est and JR in particular. I knew about them participating in PD101 and Minhyung becoming a part of the final line up. Because of the last episode of PD48, I also knew that it was a shock that JR didn't debut as a Wannaone member but I didn't realise how much pressure the Nu'est members had during this compeition or why did everyone have such respect for JR. Now I know tho.

JR is the leader of Nu'est and he feels responsible for the group not doing well.  Which is why he was apprehensive of taking the leader position in the PD101 rounds. However, everyone believed in him and he wanted to give himself one more chance which is why agreed to become the leader. As a leader, he has helped his team members to grow a lot of and build upon and showcase their abilities, sacrificing his own lines and screentime. He even would feel bad when his Nu'est members wouldn't do well at times.

His rap in one of their performaces gave him an outlet to express his state of mind given that he is a very cool headed person. He is very selfless but that is also one quality which could restraint him from showing his full potential.

An Outlet: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now