2 September, 2018.

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Amanda and I had planned to eat pasta while watching some movie but both of us were sleepy so went to sleep instead. 

And of course I had a late start to my day. I woke up around 11 and pretty much lazed around the entire time until lunch was served. Amanda and I also played around of cards so that was good. During lunch, I finally received the practice problems for tomorrow's test. I had already completed the previous problems last weekend so I needed additional ones to prepare myself a little more. When I tell you I love this subject, I really do mean it. 

So after lunch, while Amanda and the rest of her family went back to sleep, I began solving the sums. Of course I didn't get it in the first go so I kept on looking for any wrong application of concepts from my part or if there were any calculation mistakes (because trust me I make those even after using a calculator) but I gave up after I couldn't find any. Also everyone had woken up by that time and I wanted to talk to them before I left. 

I left for home around 6:45PM. I had a bit of an adventure at that station. I don't frequent the place so I did not know the whereabouts of all the platforms. I would just wait at 1 particular platform until the required train came. This time, I missed my train from that usual platform but instead waiting for about 15 mins for the next train to come on that platform, I decided to hunt for another platform where the immediate next train leaving for my desired route would come. It took me a little time but I eventually found my way and got into the train. Needless to say it was a smooth ride because it is Sunday today. 

Before going home, I had to pick some stuff up from the market. So I did all of that and then walked all the way home, even though I had to carry a lot of things. I have a budget that I need to adhere to. Besides, this is the only form of exercise I get to do in the day so why not make use of it?

My parents had gone for a dinner party so I made some instant noodles for myself (Can I GET enough of this food item?) while Alex ordered some Chinese box for himself. My parents came home late but I did get my dad to solve my doubts. Some mistakes were because I hadn't fully understood some concepts that well while the others.... umm... silly mistakes....

I do feel ready for tomorrow but anything can happen. Let us be on the positive side for now.

An Outlet: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now