1 October, 2018.

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I again got a 9/10 on my Finance Test today. Good track record I must say. Don't want to jinx it tho.

After the Finance class, 3/4 of us who got shortlisted for the research paper stayed back to discuss a little more about what direction we should head with the research and give ourselves a deadline for it. It's way too soon to judge whether the team is good or whether we will be successful but I can be assured that all of us will work. That's a good thing.

Immediately after that I went to attend this session where this lady from Mountbatten Instistute had come to tell us about the 1year work/study program they organise in London/ New York/ Bangkok. It's an interesting opportunity but I think I want to go for MBA and would like to do that in... let's say... not a disruptive manner?

We had approximately 45 mins until our next class so I followed a couple of my friends who were running around looking for and coordinating with Ms. Martha for some reason. Then when they met her, they started having a discussion about entrance exams and I had no clue how the topic even crept up or why they were talking about entrance exams to her of all people. It was only later that I understood that she had called Gurtley up last night to do her work.

Count Ms. Martha to be a complete sweetheart when she wants to get something done. She doesn't even smile at me when I go to her. Not that I go out of my way to do so but still.

Anyways, we attended the Export class where he gave us the portion for the end term exams and a question bank to go for it. We're spoilt brats I tell you.

Then we went to the resident canteen and had our lunch during which I got a major complex. Most of my friends seem to have their options narrowed down, whether it be placements, study abroad or competitive exams. They seem to have it all figured out while I am still confused as always.

All of them have atleast 2 internships or 1 that lasts for more than 4 months while I just done have one 2 month internship. They already have 1 or 2 NGO work on their CVs while I'm struggling to get myself a certificate for a poor excuse of an NGO project, that I ultimately might not even get. Some of them have kinda sorta figured out their digital courses while I have still have so many hours to go. Those who want to give entrance exams are already going for classes, the study abroad ones have their colleges narrowed down, the placement ones are 100% sure they want placements only and won't bother themselves with anything else. And all of them must have taken these decisions with a lot of thought, research, consultation, etc. What am I doing?!

Even after all this, I was able to calm myself down cause obviously there is no point of regretting anything now. Besides, at this point I am slowly trying to figure everything out and it's been working these past couple of days atleast. I have a certain vague timeline in mind and I should focus on that rather than getting overwhelmed with what the others are doing. There's always going to be someone who has done much more than you or has it better sorted than you do.

I attended the Global Pathways Meet aka Study Abroad meet. Even though I'm heavily leaning towards placements, I still want to gain as much information as I can. If I want to give a ratio to the amount of effort they've taken for study abroad to the sort of effort taken for placements, it's a solid 99:1. I am not even kidding. They've got tie ups with so many Universities and we have all information down to the the course syllabus that we can opt for after graduating. They have it all figured out for us. While placement... Let's not talk about it today.

So one (hopefully) good thing that I learnt from this meet was that they kinda sorta promised to help us get admission into those courses even if want to do so after gaining work experience for a couple of years. I don't know how much of it is actually true and feasible but I am being optimistic and saying that I have that option with me.

After the meet, my friend and I spent some time rethinking our digital course selection and ultimately went for a Finance related one from IIMB. Honestly, we are learning it in our course but since it's an IIM course, maybe it has something more to offer?

We finally got done with everything by 4 after which we left for home.

Alex left for his friend's place. He and his friends are going to spend the night at one of their house and will be leaving for a nearby town early tomorrow morning and stay at a bungalow I guess for 2 days. Boy is living his life. Good for him!

As for me, I finally finished updating all my digital notes and I could not be more relieved. I used to wonder whether I am wasting my time making these digital notes but I realised their importance when I had to revise for my internship interview. These notes are helpful. And I'm so happy that I have caught up with them! That's one less thing to worry about.

Then I continued with my online course but I was able to go through only a couple of vids because of bad internet connection. I still have 5 more vids to finish this course after which I will have to start with the other (longer) one.

So Jungkook released his G.C.F in Newark vid and it was a different format this time. He documented his day of the Newark Concert in a VCR format. I found it very raw and interesting. I just love that he puts in effort to make something for us and that's something that he likes and is good at. :)

An Outlet: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now