30 September, 2018.

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I woke up by 10:30AM and made my digital notes till lunch time. And we had some amazing continental chicken made by dad. However, I'm actually trying to loose some  fat and weight before our trip in November and dishes like these are not really helping me with that.

After lunch I got ready and left for Ms. Paula's place by 3PM. I didn't have her address but I had been to her once before and it's extremely close to the station so I was just going to try and figure my way out. But I met Paul and he definitely knew the way so my little adventure didn't take off.

Ms. Paula already had visitors and guess who one of them was? Ms. Nivedita! Recently Paul told me that Ms. Paula doesn't seem to like Ms. Nivedita anymore but I think that's was just some misunderstanding. We also met Ms. Paula's cat Leo and let's just say I was not the happiest person in that house.

Ms. Nivedita left after some time and Kristen joined us. We spoke a lot. The main topic today was Ms. Paula's current job. Recently, on our WhatsApp group, she had told us that she has some big news but wouldn't tell that to us unless we came and met here. And now that we were there, she told us that she's leaving her job. It was quite surprising tho. The last time I went to her place, she was very much content with her work.

Apparently, she is having a clash of ideologies with her boss/partner. So after leaving our college, she had joined this start up which is supposed to create social campaigns. The movement she was heading dealt with child adoption. Now her boss is questioning why buying children is such a wrong thing and that did not sit down well with Ms. Paula. Also, she said that her work is not getting appreciated, she is not given due credit for the hard work that she puts in and that his narcissistic ass is trying to control her life.

She spoke quite a lot about her boss' personality and I can't help but think that Ms. Paula and him probably dated for a while and things went horribly wrong. Anyways, good that she is following her intuition. Let's see what she does next.

We also read some poems and ate snacks and ice cream. I think we're going to make this a regular thing. We'll try to meet up at different places and just talk. Sort of like our own club (ayyyyy). WORD is officially dead in college but it's members are still together.

Ms. Paula gave me advice on how to go about with my research paper/academic papers in general and I'll try to apply those when I start researching.

Speaking of, we have our first meet tomorrow. Let's see how that goes.

We left Ms. Paula's place by 7:45PM and had some McDonald burgers because mom and dad went for their respective parties.

Fun day.

An Outlet: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now