14 September, 2018.

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Ganesh Chaturthi Day 2

I woke up at 9AM to a very pleasant atmosphere. Apparently it had just rained and this was the aftermath temperature.

I quickly got ready and went to Mia's place, just in time for the Aarti. Well, I hadn't specifically planned to attend it but arriving before an Aarti is much better than arriving during one.

So the Aarti began and at one point, they asked me to make circles with the Aarti plate and me being the noob, knew that I got it all wrong but I didn't want to ask anyone about it mid Aarti. Ultimately Mia's grandmother held the Aarti plate from one side and showed me the right way to do it. Boy she must have judged me so hard to do that.

There was another custom that followed after the Aarti which, as per my knowledge, we Maharashtrians do not follow. We sat around Mia's mom in front of their worship place while she narrated a story to us. It was in Gujarati so I didn't really understand anything but I wanted to be a part of it regardless.

After that I spoke to Mia about her college, college departments, assholes in our colleges and her kinda getting back with her ex but not really.

I left her place around 11:20AM and quickly walked to the station and boarded the train to go Venus' house to visit her Ganpati. I met up with Kristen outside Venus' house and we went in together where we got to know that we just missed the Aarti at her place. We had some snacks at then went to her actual house (her Ganpati is at her extended family's house). There, Venus narrated some gossip stories. Damn, this woman has some interesting friends. Kristen then told us about all the research she does for her articles. It is pretty informative I tell you. We also enquired about Venus' mental health. Of course she didn't really implement my suggestions but its fine, I'm not mad about it. Ultimately we left her place by 1:30PM and I went back home.

Oh, but before going home, I went to the momo place that I recently discovered. My no-non veg month is officially over and now I can eat chicken again! Yay! So I had my chicken momos and then went home. 

In about two hours, we got ready again and left for another relatives' place for Ganpati. We always visit this place on the second evening of Ganesh Chaturthi to partake in the aarti and sometimes, the Ganpati immersion. We came home and you bet your ass my family had a full on chicken feast for dinner. 

I saw RM's Birthday VLive today and I was really really happy seeing it. The last time we saw Bangtan celebrating someone's birthday was during V's birthday last year. They probably celebrated it off camera but I have my doubts of whether the members celebrated JHope's birthday. RM and JHope did post a small vid on Twitter when they were taking the cake to Yoongi's studio but we never got to see Yoongi's reaction. Jungkook's birthday went past like a breeze, the funny tweets by other members did make my day tho. 

But today we finally got to see another birthday celebration and the havoc that was created after that. It was great to see OT7 in one frame again. RM himself did great with telling us various stories and answering ARMY's questions.

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